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"Faith and hope work hand in hand, however, while hope focuses on the future, faith focuses on the now."

David Odunaiya




I arrived at the local club. It wasn't what I was used to. In the luxurious clubs, people dress for a good one night out and looking for good fucking.

The place was loud but not as wild as the clubs in London.

Only a couple of people were dancing and most of the crowd were drinking with their friends around one table.

It's fine by me because I am not looking for a one time pleasure. I came here to clear my mind with alcohol hoping that somehow everything that happened today was just only a dream, a bad dream.

But who am I kidding?

At my age, I never imagined myself to be a father soon but with consequences.

I never wish someone to die for my desire to have an heir.

Just thinking of someone specifically - her dying gave me chills and a painful throbbed in my chest which is unusual.

I arrived at the bar and ordered a whiskey. I wanted to get drunk to forget.

She is the only one who made me feel like this.

The intense desire of wanting to be inside her, making her scream my name so loud while she convulsed under me with intense pleasure.

I wanted to fuck her every day until she won't be able to walk for weeks.

Mark her body for every male specimen to see and know that she is mine.


Fuck! This is not working at all.

And the word mine shocked me. I've never thought of claiming someone especially a woman. But when it comes to her it was so easy to claim her as mine.

Damn it! I came here to forget but it seems to be impossible with my growing hard-on.

"Hey! Handsome wanna have some fun" A woman whispered beside me running her finger in the visible erection I get from just thinking of her.

I look at her and I cringed at her outfit. Her dress barely covered her breast and ass. While her face was covered with thick makeup.

I don't understand why I suddenly don't like what she was wearing which is what makes me hard instantly before.

But now it did the opposite.

What the hell.

"No," I said dismissively before turning to my fifth glass of whiskey.

I think she thought my lack of interest is my way of getting her into my bed because she just can't stop clinging like a snake.

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