Memories and happy ending

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"Ambrosia, wait!" I looked to see evie come over.

"What is it evie? Come to wish us luck?" She shook her head.

"I believe i never gave you my present. The memories i have of your mother." My eyes widened in shock. 

Present time ambrosia p.o.v

I was in pure shock and i'm sure magnus sensed it in the bond. He put his hands on my shoulders.

"May i..see them?" She nodded.

"Of course, it is your present i was going to give you." The aura on top of her head formed into a circle and images started to form.


A woman around 17 lifted a leaf and peered at the creature that was under it.

"Don't hurt me please." Young evie said. The girl picked her up and held her close.

"It's alright, i won't hurt you." The girl smiled sweetly.

"I'm evie. I got lost from my group, and now i will never have a friend. I will always be alone. I will never be a great guardian someday." She was about to cry.

"Maybe all you need is a friend. I'm trei-sha by the way." She still had that smile of hers.

"But no one wants to be my friend. I will always be alone." She turned around so her back was facing trei-sha now.

"I can be your friend evie." The little wisp turned in surprise.

"You mean that?" She nodded and that day,  two best friends became one.

Next memory...

"Evie where are you?" The little wisp giggled, as she was hiding. Then jumped out.

"ROAR!" The girl didn't look scared.

"Nice try.  Now i need your help."  Evie looked at her confused. Then she noticed a small blush on her face.

"Oooohhhhh, i see what's going on~" She teased.

"N-no..." Her blush became even darker.

"You have a crush! Who is it? Tell me!" The girl looked away.

"I haven't met him in person yet. But i see him come to the forest time to time. And he is just so..." The girl allowed evie to finish.

"Good looking?"



"No!" She giggled.

"Then what woman! what?" She shook her.

"He's a very handsome man. And his eyes, are like nothing iv'e ever seen. They just hypnotize me..." She fell back but landed in a bed of small flowers.

"Then why don't you meet the guy? He sounds like a good person to me." Trei got up in a flash.

"Are you crazy?! I am too shy to talk to a guy!" Evie went into a human size and used her powers to lift trei.

"Where do you see the guy usually?" She pointed north.

"Usually by the creek, but i dont think he's- WOAH!" Evie took the chance and rushed to the creek dragging trei-sha with her. She stopped a few feet away and, as luck would have it, the guy trei described was there. He was in a meditating position. 

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