Wedding bells crashed prt 2

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Raijer p.o.v (The guy who is acting as ultra magnus but has evil plans)

I sent ultra magnus to the only place no one will find him. The underground crystal caves. These caves have been abandoned since 1898. I should know, i was stuck down there for centuries.

I waited for everyone to awaken, so i may say hello to my soon to be wife. For you see, the one who banished me here to this primus forsaken planet, was  my eldest brother...Ultra magnus. I was the one who took the neonodite genes, he took the cybertronian ones.

*Time skip to day of the wedding*

Ultra magnus p.o.v

I have been trying to find a way to escape this place i was put in, but i have given up. It was no use. My beloved ambrosia will be married to someone who will not care for her, not cherish her, nor give her the time of day to tell her how beautiful she is.

Arcee p.o.v

Today was the day of the wedding, and i had some suspicions about ultra magnus. He has been acting all weird since 5 days ago. Just today at the practice i accused him of being a fake, and all that shit. He ended up leaving and everyone started to call me an accuser. 

My holoform sat on one of the log benches from the mystic garden where the wedding will be taking place. I hung my head low as i looked to my shoes. I was wearing a knee high dark blue thin strap dress. My shoes were white pumps, and there was some white on the dress and some sparkles as well.

I felt someone rub my back. I looked up to see ultra magnus in his tuxedo.

"Ultra magnus, i am so sorry." I stood up and looked at him. His eyes flashed red for a second and he went into a scowl.

"You will be." I started to sink in black magic and next thing i know i am left in complete darkness, well that is some light showed and illuminated the crystals from this cave i was in.

"Arcee?" I turned around and there was ultra magnus in his holoform. I tackled him.

"Where are we?! And how do i get out?!" He put his hands in surrender.

"Arcee it is me. Ultra magnus. I am just as confused as you are of being here, but i may be able to answer some of those questions." I let him go. And helped him up. This was the real deal.

"We appear to be in the underground crystal caves. Under the small town of jasper, nevada. These caves were abandoned a long time ago, and now they are our prison." I looked at him.

"How do you know this?" He looked at me.

"I sent my brother to this world, but i had no idea he would end up in these caves. He is a neonodite. Took the genes from our mother. I inherited the cybertronian from our father. Raijer planned to overthrow the high counsel and make himself king, so i banished him here. And now it appears he is taking his revenge." He looked down.

No one p.o.v

Raijer looked at himself in the mirror.

Play song now! 

Raijer- This day is going to be perfect

The kind of day of which i dreamed since i was small

All those armor loving bores say i look great in uniform, 

what they don't know is that i have fooled them aaaallllll!

Ultra magnus- This day was going to be perfect

The kind of day of which i dreamed since i was small

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