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/If anyone knows where I could find more Flippy X Nutty pictures, could you tell me. Thank you./

Flippy explained all that happened to Cuddles. He felt somewhat lighter telling him about it. He was afraid what Cuddles would think of him now, what he would do or even say. If he'd tell everyone what a monster he was.

Cuddles was dumbfounded from what he just heard. "Flippy raped Nutty?" He was silent. Silent for a bit too long.
"Cuddles..?" Cuddles blinked and looked at Flippy. He could tell he felt terrible. He has never seen him cry before and now he was doing it in front of him. "You must really like Nutty.." Cuddles accidentally said aloud. Flippy shook his head confusing him. "No... It's more than that.."

Flippy sat on the floor of the bathroom. His head tucked between his arms which rested on his knees. Cuddles sighed and sat beside him. He didn't really know what to tell him in this type of situation. This was really serious. Cuddles placed a hand on Flippy's back as he thought out his words carefully. Flippy wasn't sobbing, but tears were running. He worked so hard to make things better with Nutty and then something like this happens. He was well aware why. He knew his "other side" took over and got the better of him. Cuddles figured this too.

"Flippy, all I can say is that you need to talk to him." Flippy looked at him. "What? Don't you think I've tried?!" Flippy said, obviously offended. Cuddles shook his head. "Then try harder. You probably tried once and gave up, am I right?" Flippy was silence for a minute. "I wouldn't say give up. I wouldn't give up on him." He said looking away. Cuddles thought a minute. "Ok, I'll talk to Nutty again, but I'm just going to see how he's holding up. This time, it's all you. Your the one who needs to talk with him. It's not really my place to just bud in and act like I know the entire situation."
Cuddles was right, once again. Flippy refrained himself from telling him that though knowing exactly what his response would be. "Egotistical bastard" Flippy smiled slightly to himself as Cuddles walked towards the door. "Comin'?"

Flippy and Cuddles went their separate ways. Flippy went to class, late of course and Cuddles decided to skip to go to the gym where Nutty's current class should be.

Cuddles looked inside to make sure Nutty was inside, but he didn't see him. He didn't even see the twins, Giggles nor Flaky who were also in his class. He backed away when he noticed someone coming to the door. When they opened it, they noticed Cuddles standing there on the other side of the door. He had light blue hair and an eyepatch over one of his eyes. "Hey, do you know a guy named Nutty? He comes here at the end of class. I'm looking for him." They shook their head at him. "Sorry, I have no idea who that is."
"A guy about my height. Has different colored eyes. Blonde and green hair. Has candy in his hair?" Cuddles quickly described him. "Oh~! The strange guy with different colored eyes!" He smiled as he realized who he was talking about. "The only features that identify who he is, is his eye over all else..." Cuddles mentally sighed. "I know who your talking about but I don't know where he is." The guy scratched his head. The blonde's brow twitched. Talking to this guy was a waste of time.

"What's your name?" Cuddles said almost irratiatedly. "Russell." He nodded. "Ok...Russell-" Cuddles sighed. "Do you at least know who Giggles or Flaky or S-" "I know Flaky." Russell interrupted him. Cuddles sighed aloud in relief. "Her class went outside today." Cuddles quickly thanked him and left the frustrating boy. Russell scoffed and frowned. "Could of at least told me your name..."

Cuddles looked around outside. He finally found their class walking around the track, but saw Nutty with Flaky and Giggles sitting on the bleachers. He quickly made his way over to them. "Nutty!" He called out to the candy lover. He and the other two looked over at him. "Hey Cuddles." Giggles was the only on to speak. Flaky gave her shy girl wave and Nutty gave an obviously depressed one. "Nutty can I talk to you?" He came out and asked. Nutty just nodded and got up to follow Cuddles.

"What is it?" Nutty asked as they walked around the track. Cuddles could tell Nutty was upset and bothered and probably confused. "I know what happened to you last night.." Nutty looked at him in surprise. "H-how did y-" Cuddles shrugged. "Of course, Flippy told me." Nutty said nothing. He stayed silent and looked down at the ground. Cuddles waited for him to say something but, when he didn't he continued. "You know he actually cried over you." Nutty looked up at him again. "I don't believe you. Why would he feel bad about it?" The blonde placed a hand on his shoulder. "Its none of my business really to talk to you about this so, I just really wanted to tell you to talk to Flippy. Trust me." Nutty was quiet again.

Its shorter than usual and slightly rushed, but I hope you enjoy.

\The first time I posted this chapter it did not include all I had put into it...My bad, good thing I checked\

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