A Forceful Encounter

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The next day, Flippy and Cuddles were exiting Flippy's car for Flippy promise Cuddles a ride to school. As the two walked it, they were greeted by Lifty and Shifty along with Petunia.

"Hey guys, had a nice weekend?" Petunia smiled to the two boys. Cuddles nodded and Flippy tilted his hand side to side saying "eh".
"Well, it's nice to see you again!" Lifty stepped forward and gave Cuddles a hug that seem to of last forever. "U-Uhh..ok..?" Shifty only smiled widely at Flippy making him uncomfortable. "Will you two stop, your creeping everybody out!" Lifty let go of Cuddles and the twins continued to smile. "Are you guys ok?" Flippy asked them and they nodded eagerly. "But we gotta go." Shifty said. "Yeah, we need to get to class before we are late!" The two ran off without another word. "Class doesn't start for an hour..." Flippy narrowed his eyes down their path. "What are they up to?" Cuddles said as if he already knew they were going to do something terrible. Petunia only shrugged. "Anyway, did anyone of you do the homework from last week?.... And is it neatly written, so I can... see it well. I need this grade." She stroked her blue ponytail worriedly. "Yea." Cuddles said plainly and she smiled. "But it's folded a bit on one of the corners." He smirked. The clean-afobic girl paused before pacing back aforforth. "I'm going to fail. I'm going to fail." She began chanting. The blonde and greenette haired boys laughed a bit. "Don't laugh!" She screamed at them. Flippy continued laughing and looked pass her a bit to see Nutty talking with Sniffles and Splendid. Nutty glanced at him and Flippy almost smiled before seeing that same frightened expression on Nutty's face and him running off with his friends following him. Flippy sighed disappointingly.

"Ok class," The teacher Lumpy shouted out. "Today you will be testing on mathematics." The class sighed. The teacher ignored it and continued explaining. Flippy's eyes drifted to the back of the class where Nutty could be seem eating candy as always and kicking fallen wrappers under other people's seats. Flippy chuckled. "Nutty!" The green haired yet blonde boy jumped at his name. "Y-yeah?" He looked forward to the teacher Lumpy. He had an angry expression on his face. "All day, all the time I have to clean up after you! Come sit in the front where I can see you and your staying after school to clean as well!" Nutty's eyes widened. He looked down as his face went pale. "I-I won't do it again. C-can I please stay in this seat or switch with someone?" Lumpy shook his head. Nutty took a deep breath and grabbed his things as he took his seat in front of Flippy.

As the test began, Cuddles looked across the room to see Nutty's hands shaking and staring at his test. His sticky candy covered pencil remained untouched and Flippy glancing ahead sadly at this. Cuddles sighed as he watched this.

As the bell rung to tell the class ended, before the teacher could tell everyone what to do with their test, Nutty jumped out of his seat and left the classroom. Leaving all his items. Lumpy sighed irratedly. "Hand me your test everyone and go to your next destination." Cuddles handed his his test first as everyone crowded the teacher and walked over to Flippy. "You alright?" Flippy had a slight frown. "I'm going to talk to him." He said as he put his stuff in his bookbag. Cuddles sighed. He saw Nutty's stuff and picked it up. He handed them to Flippy and said, "Just don't screw it up then." Flippy stared for a minute before taking it and and nodding. Cuddles took his test for him while muttering. "Just realized you love someone and already you try to get them to notice you." Cuddles chuckled to himself.

Flippy had found Nutty and ran down the hall to block his path. Nutty held his breath as he spotted him. "Yo." Flippy grinned and Nutty only waved with a quiet "hey". "You left your bookbag back in class, here." He handed it to Nutty and he hesitatedly grabbed it. He gave it a quick snatch to take and run, but the other strap of the bag was still in Flippy's hand. "Thanks...do you mind...l-leting go?" Nutty said looking away. "I want to talk to you Nutty." Flippy said calmly. "No thanks. I.. I don't want to." He gave another pull at the bag and failed to free it from Flippy's grasp. "You've been avoiding me and I want to know why." Flippy said a bit sadly and Nutty said nothing. "Are you scared of me?" Still no words. "I haven't killed anyone for 6 years!" Nutty dropped the bag and tried to run off, but Flippy quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Why are you avoiding me? You keep running away!" Nutty said nothing. Flippy frowned, dropped the bag and grabbed both of Nutty's arms forcing him to look at Flippy's glare. "Answer me!"

Flippy paused for a moment. He looked around to see he was causing a scene and everyone was staring. He looked back at Nutty looking at his scared face and noticed he was squeezing his arms harshly. He let go and Nutty backed up. "I.. I didn't mean to... I'm sorry N-" Nutty ran off before Flippy could finish. Everyone continued on and pretended to see nothing. Flippy mentally punched himself in the face.
"I told you not to screw up." Flippy turned to see Cuddles with his arms crossed.

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Still a Pilot btw

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