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"Yea, you screwed up." Cuddles said with a smile as he sat on Flippy's couch. "And why are you happy about that?" Flippy frowned at him. Cuddles shook his head. "No, I'm not happy about it. I just find it funny for you to be so desperate to get your first love." Flippy blushed a bit though his frown remained. This only made Cuddles laugh. "It's adorable!" He teased. "Are you gonna help me or not?" Flippy growl. Cuddles continued to laugh. "Why do I even ask you for advice?" Flippy sighed hopelessly.

"Don't worry so much about it. He can't avoid you forever now, can he? It's best to let whatever happens happen..." Cuddles said before scratching his head. "Does that make sense?" Flippy rolled his eyes at the blond. In a way Cuddles was right. Maybe he was trying to hard, but he highly doubted Nutty would just come up to him and try to make amends with him if he did nothing or not even try. He'd have to be the one to make the first moves.

"Ok, look I'm sorry." Cuddles said between laughs. "But I have an idea. Just let me handle it for now." Flippy sighed and nodded in agreement since he was out of options.

Two days later, Cuddles met up with Nutty after school. "Hey Nutty, what's up!" Cuddles walked beside Nutty as he headed home. He acted normal, more or less. There was a difference in acting normal and Nutty-normal, but Nutty wasn't as insane as he use to be.

As usually Nutty was walking with a sucker in his mouth. His two eyes of different pupil shape and color landed on the blond who wore a yellow bunny hat. This helped Nutty remember him and his nickname.

"Bunny boy!" Nutty smiled. Cuddles laughed at the sudden shout of his nickname which was said with so much enthusiasm. He wore the same hat all the time. He even wore one to bed. Cuddles was never or rarely ever seen without one.
"What's up?" Cuddles smiled back and repeated again. Nutty shrugged. He took the sucker out of his mouth for a moment to speak properly. "Nothin' really. On my way to see the twins, Giggles and sniffles, but I was stopping at the house first to get ready." Cuddles nodded his head. He wanted to ease into the conversation he wanted to have. "What are you guys planning on doing?" He asked a bit curious. "Just talk and hang out and stuff. You can come too. We are going to be at Giggles house. You can also invite some other people too. Flaky was suppose to come, she was too concerned about homework and getting a good grade. So, she couldn't come."
"Yea, her and Pentunia are kinda nerds." Cuddles laughed and so did Nutty. "Oh, by the way I need to talk to you about something."
"Oh, alright. We can talk about it at my place since we're almost there." Cuddles smiled lightly and nodded.

"Let me head up stairs for a minute to put my bag and stuff up." Nutty said as he closed and locked the door behind them. Cuddles watched as Nutty ran off to his room. Out of sudden boredom, Cuddles decided to look around the house. It has been so long since he has been in his house. Nutty had disappeared for the entire summer break. All his friends were worried about what had happened to him and some even decided to contact his mom and brother to find out where Nutty disappear to. They were told that he was on vacation, but when people asked him how his vaction went when he got back for school, he would always look confused. Obviously his family lied to them.
Cuddles was also curious about where Nutty has been all this time as well.

Sitting down on the couch, Cuddles waited for Nutty's return. He sighed as he looked around for Nutty's T.V remote. He was pretty sure the blonde/greenette haired boy wouldn't mind if he watched T.V as he waited. He looked around for the remote, but came across a letter that was lazily tossed to the other side of the couch. Out of curiosity and boredom, Cuddles reached over and snatched it.

He observed the letter. He could tell Nutty must of already read it since the top of the envelope the letter was in was torn open. He debated on reading the letter or not, but first he read the front of the envelope.

"Red's Mental Care Hospital"

"Whoa." Cuddles said as he read where the letter came from. He studied the words carefully. The date also told that the letter was received not too long ago. "What are you doing?" Nutty said curiously. Cuddles jumped and tossed the letter back to where he found it. "Err, nothing. You were talking so long I was looking for your T.V remote." Nutty shrugged. "Ok, but-" He came over and picked up the letter. "It looked like someone was also snooping~." Nutty gave a small smile telling Cuddles he wasn't mad or anything. Cuddles chuckled nervously. "Yea, sorry I was curious when about what it was about." Nutty shrugged and tossed the letter back the side of the couch further than Cuddles. "Did you read it?" He asked and Cuddles responded with a "no".
"But I did read the front. What is the Red's Mental Care Hospital?" Cuddles asked and Nutty didn't hesitate to tell. "An asylum. I was sent there by my brother over the summer. He works there." Cuddles wasn't really that surprised it was an asylum Nutty was sent to. After all, Mr.Lumpy recommended to his mother that he should go there, but she refused to send him. Then again, she was crazy too and his older brother was the only sane one. The use to be really close a long time ago, but now it was Flippy he was closer too. That reminded him. "Let's get back to that later. I want to talk to you about something else." Nutty nodded his head happily.

"Do you remember Flippy?" Cuddles asked knowing how stupid that question really was. Nutty said nothing, but he was suddenly tense and his smile was gone. "Nutty?" Cuddles leaned his head to the side. Nutty just nodded. "He and I are best friends and you and I are also best friends, right? So, I want you two to get along so I can spend time with both of my best friends." Cuddles smiled and Nutty only stared at him almost shyly. "Tell me, are you afraid of Flippy?" Nutty didn't say anything. "It's only us here." Cuddles reassured the candy lover. Nutty finally nodded. "Yes." Cuddles was glad he finally spoke. "Why?" He asked. "He's a killer. A sadist." Nutty gulped and his eyes wondered the room as if to make sure no one was around. "He has gotten better though. He hasn't killed anyone for 6 months. I've been helping him improve." Nutty said nothing again. Cuddles sighed. "Look, its bothering Flippy that you don't want to be around him. He wants you to talk to him or at least not be so terrified of his existence. He's trying really hard you see. Just give him a chance." Cuddles touched Nutty's shoulder. "After all, you guys also use to be friends a all time ago, right?" Nutty looked completely up at Cuddles and the two stood. "Your.. right." Nutty muttered.

"When am I not?" Cuddles gave a cocky smile.

That same day, Nutty and Flippy saw each other as they walked from the direction the other was heading. Flippy walked slower and stared at the multi-colored haired and eyed guy, but he said nothing and didn't seem to be acknowledging him. Flippy sighed in disappointment until he heard something. "Hi."
Flippy turned around in shock at the guy who finally spoke to him, but didn't stop walking.

Baby steps...

HAPPY NEW YEARS! It's 2016! I know I'm a 3 days late but still! This also means my Birthday is coming up! Yep! Jan. 17th!
I know you don't really care, but eh. This was suppose to come out a while ago but stuff happened. Sorry...
Already working on the next chapter :D

BTW: Thank you everyone for reading but thank you mostly HappyFlippy and HappyNutty for commenting and everything and liking my story. Really appreciated it!

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