Gone no, Just Out Of Your Sight

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Nutty laid in bed facing the wall with his eyes half shut. He couldn't stop thinking about what happened the other day when Lifty kissed him and Flippy witnessed it. He wasn't really sure, but Nutty believes Flippy may of actually saw it. He looked so pissed when it happened too and Nutty had no idea why. Nutty looked down a bit and sighed. "Was he really that mad that he had to shove me?" He sighed closing his eyes and turning over onto his back. "Dammit, I've never put so much thought into something before." Nutty frowned slightly before opening his eyes half way again, but when he looked up his eyes did not meet the ceiling.

Nutty's eyes widened horrified at a dark figure with yellow eyes that seemed to glow right over his face and stare right at him. Nutty almost screamed, but a pair of lips stopped him from doing so. Nutty pushed at them, but their hands grabbed his and placed them above his head. He then tried to kick, but one of their legs were placed on the bed in a way that kept him from moving. Both of his hands were held by one of their's as the other slowly trailed up his shirt and gripped his side. A blush spread across his cheeks and noes as the person did this. Nutty groaned just as the person pulled away. Before he could even try to get a clear view of who the person was, he felt the hand under his shirt leave and a sudden pain in his neck. After that, he was completely engulfed darkness.

Nutty woke up that morning with a slight pain in his neck. He sat up and messaged the spot. "What happened?" He muttered to himself trying to recall what happen last night. He moved his covers away and stepped onto the floor. Looking down, he was shocked at what he saw. Bloody footprints from his door to his bed and back. Not to mention his clothes were covered in blood as well in the form of handprints. Nutty got up and quickly went to the bathroom. He looked into the mirror and saw blood on his cheek and neck. Nutty was confused and frightened by all of this. None of the blood was his own. He finally reremembered what happened to him will he was in bed. Nutty quickly removed all his clothes and got into the shower. He even had blood on his bare skin.

After taking a shower, Nutty quickly cleaned his house. He has never clean hos house of anything as much as he was now. He had to clean the footprints throughout his home and wash his sheets and pillows too. Nutty couldn't let anyone see or know what happened.

Nutty arrived to school incredibly late. When he came into the building, he was greeted by Giggles. She always skipped class whenever she got the chance. "Oh, hey Nutty! You are aware that you are late right~" Giggles smiled. "Uh, y-yeah. I had over slept." He said a bit nervously. Giggles nodded before looking around. "Flippy isn't around? You two are usually always together." Nutty scratched his head. "We hang out that much?" Giggles giggled and nodded. "Well, I don't know. I saw him yesterday afternoon, but not since. Maybe he's already here." Nutty shrugged. Giggled nodded again. "Well, I got somethings I need to take care of that I should of before." Nutty raised an eyebrow. "Like what?" Giggles smiled a bit. "You didn't here? Cuddles and I broke up." Nutty was partly surprised. "Why?"
"I just wasn't feelin' it ya know, but I have something to do that I should've done today." She said with a look of determination. "What is it?" Nutty asked and Giggles smirked. "You'll probably find out in our last period. Anyway, you need to get going. You've wasted almost 30 minutes talking to me. Go, go!" She waved him off and he left.

Flippy was not in class. Flippy was no were to be seen. This made Nutty concerned and upset. He even asked others if they've seen him. No one's seen Flippy at all. Nutty sat in class running his hands in his hair and staring down at his desk. He couldn't stop thinking about Flippy. Nutty sighed. "What's wrong with me?" Nutty sighed. Flippy suddenly vanished and he almost raped last night. He doesn't even know who it was that attacked him. Whoever it was, he was pretty sure they were the one who left blood everywhere around his house and body. Nutty groaned and placed his head on his desk. He recalled how good it actually felt. For them have him at their mercy as they do whatever they wanted to him. Nutty frowned slightly as a blush spread across his noes. He kept his hrad down so no one could notice. He was ashamed, disappointed. He was disgusted with himself for actually enjoying it. He balled up a fist on his desk and sighed. His pants felt a bit tighter on him all of the sudden. Wasn't it wrong? Nutty sat up a little and covered his slightly blush with the back of his hand. "I'm just relieved that... Flippy didn't see it.."

Nutty regretted even thinking about what happened last night. Just the thought of it was arousing him enough to the point it showed. He had to go to the bathroom to relieve himself twice before heading to his last class.

Nutty wasn't acting like his overly excited, happily psychopathic self and it was going unnoticed. "Nutty, are you alright? You've been very quiet and haven't smiled at least once today." Giggles sat need to him on the bleachers. "Huh? W-What are you talking about! I'm fine!" Nutty forced a smile. It was very obvious it was fake. "N-Nutty... Theirs.. no reason to lie to us. If somethings wrong.... you can tell your friends.... right?" Flaky spoke softly into her sleeve that hung over ger hand and against her mouth. Giggles looked at her and smiled causing Flaky to quickly look away making Giggles pout. "Yea... I guess, but.." Just then a missing memeber of the group arrived. "Hey."
"Lifty?" Giggles said a bit unsure. "Nah, It's Shifty." He said. Shifty wasn't wearing his hat like he usually would be which was really the main thing that told who was who with the twins. Instead, he was carrying it in his hand and it was constantly being overlooked. "Have you seen my little brother? I haven't seen him at all, not even this morning." Shifty asked looking slightly concerned. Everyone shrugged. "Haven't seen him since yesterday." Flaky mumbled. It was impressive she could still be hear in such a loud place. "Same here." Giggles said and Nutty nodded. Shifty sighed talking a seat with one foot up with him. "That idiot.." The dark green hair boy frowned putting back on his hat which shaded his eyes dramatically. "I'm sure he'll turn up." Nutty said and patted his shoulder. Shifty turned towards him and placed his hand on top of his and smiled. A mixture of happiness and flirtation. "Thanks." Nutty nodded. "Y-your welcome." Since the incident with Lifty, Nutty's started becoming more nervous around the twins. If Lifty kissed him, how does he know Shifty won't try to do the same? Nutty removed his hand and sighed a bit. "Oh yea Shifty, we were talking about Nutty. Something is wrong with him." Nutty groaned. "Shit, I was hoping she had forgotten about me. Dammit Giggles!"

"What's wrong?" Shifty asked for anyone to answer. They all looked at Nutty. He was trying so hard not to think about last night, Flippy or anything. Now, here everyone wants to know. So, he told the truth. "I'm just a little upset Flippy isn't here I guess." Part of the truth. "You two are best friends now.. right? I-It makes sense." Flaky said looking down at Nutty's shoes. Giggles touched his back. "He'll be back, just wait." Nutty just nodded. "Besides, I'm here for you~" Shifty said smirking at Nutty. He just looked away and nodded again.

Giggles was wrong.
Flippy did not come back the next day. He didn't come back the day after either. Nutty didn't see him for an entire week and a half.

/:/Thanks everyone for reading! I can't believe I actually reached 1k views! For that I will update with 3 chapters at once! I've also had so many notifications about people adding the story to their reading list which really surprised me. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone. Please don't hesitate to comment, it what keeps my confidence up to keep going. Thanks a lot!/

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