Valentine's Day Special: Part 2 (Final)

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Flippy sighed as he realized what day it was. He didn't know why, but he was nervous. It was already Valentines Day and he asked Nutty, his best friend, to be his Valentines. Flippy scratched the back of his head. Is it wrong for a guy to ask another guy to be their Valentines? "We are going as friends though." Flippy mentally told himself. "But all I did was give him a note. I don't even know if he'll accept. All the stuff Giggles wrote could give him the wrong idea and he'd hate me forever!" Flippy planted his face into his pillow and groaned. He was pretty sure there friendship was over. "I can just call and say it was a joke, but.."

Knock Knock!

Flippy made his way to the door and opened it. "Ah, sup Handy." An armless boy with no hands and orange hair stood outside his door. "Wait, can you grab my hat. It fell off while I was knocking." Flippy nodded, picked up the hard hat and placed it back on his head. "Thanks. Now, Giggles told me to tell you to be at the center of town in 10 minutes and bring Nutty. I'm on my way to see Petunia, but stopped here first." Flippy nodded. "Ok, thanks. I'll leave right now. Just need to put on my jacket." Handy nodded back and left.

"Ok, anything can happen. Just be prepared." Flippy took a deep breath and rung Nutty's doorbell. "Coming." The door opened. "Mm, oh, It's you Flippy." The person who answered the door had on a white eyepatch. He looked just like Nutty, but taller. His hair was neater and he looked a bit mysterious. It was Nutty's older brother. "Um, Hey Mad." Nutty's brother name was Madness, but was called Mad for short. Flippy only saw Nutty's brother once in a blue moon. The guy wasn't really around like that, same goes for his mother. Unlike Nutty, his name didn't fit his personality, atleast not anymore.

"Is Nutty home?" Flippy asked him. "My younger brother? Uh, yes. He was waiting for you. I'll go and get him." With that, he went back into the house. Flippy waited silently outside. "If he waited that means he accepts, right?" Flippy scratched the back of his head. He was hoping Nutty would accept. "Flippy!" Flippy tensed a bit at the sudden sound of his name. An arm wrapped around his neck and made his bend back a bit. A fist rubbed against his cheek. "I've been waiting forever! I didn't know where the place was so I assumed you'd take me there. I was about to be so mad if you forgot about me!" Nutty said pouting a bit. Flippy was a bit shocked by this.
"Nutty, let him go. Aren't you both suppose to go to that Valentine get-together now?" Nutty's brother said with his arms crossed and watching from the doorway. Nutty let him go and smiled brightly. "Right! Let's go!" He said. Flippy smiled back as he rubbed his cheek.

"Here with my Valentines at the fair!" Flaky blushed behind her hand as Giggles narrated herself. "Along with a few other Valentines day couples! Some as only friends." She pointed the camera to Petunia and Handy. Petunia was blushing for some unknown reason. "Like Petunia and Handy! Well, not exactly here as friends." Handy smiled at the camera and nodded. "Sup." Petunia put up a hand. "Ok-" Giggles looked into the camera again while walking away from everyone. "So, I promised to show you guys friends being each other's Valentines and since I didn't choose a person to be a Valentines as friends. I did the next best thing!" She pointed the camera ahead towards the entrance and zoomed in. Nutty and Flippy were making their way to the group. Nutty waved energetically at Giggles who waved back. "I'm going to show you guys with them!"

After everyone arrived, they all walked around until they saw something to do. Giggles followed closely behind Flippy and Nutty with her camera. "G-Giggles?" Giggles turned around to Flaky. "Yes Valentines?" Flaky's blush came back and Giggles giggled. "Why are you.. recording Flippy and Nutty?" Giggles placed a finger to her lips. Flaky was as red as her dandruff filled hair. "Don't say it aloud. They'll find out." Giggles whispered. "But its for my viewers. They need to see this." Flaky only nodded and looked down holding hands with herself. "Look! Roller Coaster!" Flippy shouted and ran with Nutty, followed by everyone else. "Come on! I may be recording, but its our day too!" Giggles grabbed Flaky's hand and dragged her along. Was it even possible for her to be even redder than she was now?

"I couldn't even tell where it started and ended..!" The pink haired, blind boy said about to vomit. "That was a cool ride though!" Lammy chuckled holding his hand. "Made me feel sick..." Sniffles said and Flaky nodded. The entire ride she was holding on to Giggles. "Are you kidding? It was great, even Lammy agreed!" Flippy laughed at his weak-stomached friends. He turned around when he heard puking. Nutty was throwning up in a trash can. "You said you wanted to go! Don't tell me yo-" Nutty waved his hand. "No, no. I liked it. Would of liked it even more if I didn't eat so much candy before getting on." He walked back over clenching his stomach. "Your fault for loving candy so much." Flippy shrugged. "Surprised you managed not to eat the candy you always have in your hair." Sniffles touched it. Obviously it was licked and placed in, it was so sticky. Nutty groaned. "Next ride." Cuddles appeared and said out of no where.

"Where did they go?!" Giggles shouted a bit in a panick. They all stood at the Ice Cream stand. "Maybe they the bathroom." Flaky's voice trailed off. "Ugggh! Let's check then." Giggles when towards the bathrooms. Everyone stared oddly at her as she when. "Um, what's up with her?" Cuddles asked Flaky. Flaky looked down. "She.. Needs them for her video.." She mumbled under her breath. "Oh." After a while of staring, everyone followed Giggles bindly. "Wait Mole! Your going the wrong way!" Lammy chased after him.

"Where are we going exactly?" Nutty asked Flippy as they ran away from their friends. "Nowhere really. I just couldn't really stand Giggles and her camera following us where ever we go." They stopped for a moment. "Oh, she was? I didn't noticed." Nutty laughed. "How did you not notice a camera basically in your face the entire time we've been here?" He asked the multi-colored boy in disbelief. " 'Cause I've been have too much funny with you to noticed that." Flippy's eyes widened a bit and a slight blush came across his face. "Really?" Nutty nodded happily. Flippy smiled. "How about we spend the rest of the time here just having fun together. Just us." Nutty was surprised for a moment, but agreed.

The two boys left leaving the fair when it was getting a bit too dark. "That was awesome! It was funner going off by ourselves." Flippy nodded. "Yeah, that was much more fun than being in a group and being filmed 24/7." The two laughed as they walked home. Well, as Flippy gave his friend a piggyback ride home. "We should do this again! Everyday!" Flippy chuckled. "Don't think we have enough money to do it everyday." Nutty frowned. "I can ask Mad for money!"
"You know he won't. He doesn't like fairs, so he wouldn't pay-" Nutty slapped Flippy's head. "My brother would do it for me though! It's the less he could do for leaving all the time." Flippy could tell from Nutty's last sentence that he was getting serious.

"He use to be fun and like fairs before my mom sent him away for a while somewhere. After he came back, he changed a lot." Nutty pouted a bit. Flippy was silent for awhile. "Where did he go?" Nutty shrugged. "When I asked him, he just said he'd take me there one day and I'd see." Flippy looked up at him. "Are you going to go through what he did?" He asked a bit concerned. Nutty shook his head and laughed. "As if, he said he'll just show me that's all." Flippy didn't laugh like he did. Nutty noticed his friend's concerned face and ran his hair into his face. "Don't worry about it. I'd never change." Flippy smiled as he shook his hair and Nutty's hands away from his face. "Oh, by the way these are for you." He pulled something from inside his jacket and tossed it upwards. Nutty caught it and looked at it. "Candy!" He quickly opened the pack. "Did you read it? Its a japanese candy. I bought it while you were looking around at the others at the fair." Nutty looked at the name of the candy he was eating. "Kasugai Gummies" was on the front of it. "They taste great!" Flippy smiled. "Glad you like 'em."

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