Chapter 16 - Founders Day

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second last chapter of season one season 2 will be up tomorrow some of it its pre written yada yada hehe anyway please tell me what you think i will do in season 2 and your thoughts about the future Damany friendship love you all.

i fixed Caroline dress for the founders day Parade, i smoothed out her dress as she looked in the Mirror.

"you look perfect Care-Bear" i chimed as i lifted her MMS (Miss Mystic Falls) sash over her head fixing it in place. she turned around and smiled.

"thank you Beth." she sighed happily as we came down the stairs i grabbed my jacket and aviators putting them on and grabbing my car keys and heading to the car. i helped Care in before going to the Drivers side and starting the car heading as far as i can into town. i pulled up 10 minutes later.

"lets get this show on the road" i turned the engine off and helped her out of the car and locking up . she caught up with Matt.

"oh my god picture time" Care Demanded i brought out the camera. when Bonnie came up.

"say cheese" i cooed

"wait, wait hide your cast its not era appropriate" Care ordered i laughed typical Caroline.

"seriously" he switched sides so that his cast was hidden i took the picture of the both of them.

"okay i want one with Bonnie and Beth." she asked

"here I'll take it." Tyler said from behind us. i gave him the camera

"I'll be on the float." Matt said leaving.

"i said i was sorry" Tyler protested

"you made out with his mom then beat him to a pulp you're gonna have to do a little bit better than sorry." she replied

"no wait i still want that picture" i whined Bonnie took the camera and took a picture of us sisters. i thanked her before going to find Jeremy.

"hey solider" i chimed walking up to him. we kissed

"hey yourself." i saw Mrs Lockwood walk by.

"Mrs Lockwood." i called she turned

"sorry but would you mind taking a picture of us please" she smiled

"of course honey" she took the camera and took a picture before handing it back i thanked her.

"well i best be getting on my float." i pouted

"okay but i will be at the front so look out for me." i smiled and kissed him. the Parade began and everyone was cheering as the marching band went past

"and for a bit of local history Mr Saltzman's history class have recreated Virginia's battle of Willow Creek." i waved at them and Jeremy waved back after being 'shot' by Tyler i winked at him

"ladies and gentleman please welcome this year's Miss Mystic Falls court and their handsome escorts" i waved to Caroline and Matt as well as Elena and Stefan. they waved back to the crowd but i got a excited smile from Caroline

"Miss Caroline Forbes, Miss Mystic Falls...aren't they beautiful."

that's when Damon stood next to me and waved smirking at them Stefan and Elena's faces dropped i laughed.

"such a party pooper Damon" i lightly scolded

"ah you know me love to annoy" he turned back and so did i we saw Bonnie.

"what do you want?" she asked him

"just watching the Parade...where you going?" he asked when she began to walk away.

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