Chapter 8 - Decade Dance

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at the dance i was all dressed up curtsey of Caroline and Bonnie who looked fabulous as well. we decided to go get some punch. but i took a different path sneaking up behind Jer.

"hey sexy come here often" he swung round and i laughed

"wow you look wow"

i giggled and hugged him going back to the other side.

" so  please may i have some punch" i spoke in a posh voice he chuckled and poured the three of us a glass.

"if a some miraculous point you are let off and the night is still young you owe me a dance" i smiled and joined the others.

"so what is with Damon you dating both brothers now." i asked Elena seeing that she came with both Salvatore brothers. Stefan invited me over before i could actually get a answer.

"to what do i owe the pleasure Stefan" i asked totally ignoring Damon.

"awh don't be like that Bethany you know you love me" Damon smirked

"lets get one thing straight Damon the only vampire i trust is Stefan if i could kill you i would make no mistake about it. the fact your on the protect the town train stops me from driving a stake through your egotistical heart." i glared at him before turning to Stefan.

"we have a problem. Elena was attacked by a vampire he was invited in. we need you to keep a look out." i straightened up.

"sure" i walked away to the others.

"do you ever get the feeling you want to kill Damon" i asked the others who smirked

"all the time" Bonnie and Care said. As the evening went on i spotted Anna i groaned

"what is it?" Bonnie asked

"the girl she helped Jer on his paper a little now she won't leave me alone" i gritted my teeth. Anna smiled at Jer and attempted to flirt with him.

"okay that's it."  as she walked away i came out in front of her.

"you love to pop up in places don't ya." i smiled

"yeah well i invited myself." i laughed

"look Anna I'm sure your are a great person and all who had some awesome guy waiting for you but it isn't Jeremy infact he's my perfect guy and my boyfriend so I'm asking you nicely to quit the flirting because it is never going to happen. i know Jer and you're not his type okay?" i patted her shoulder and walked off.

"very nicely done. the whole jealousy look suits you." i turned round to face Damon.

"is it your undead life dream to be a pain in the ass or something." i questioned  he smirked and i left i walked up to Stefan and Elena.

"hi Elena, Stefan" they stopped she smiled at me since the whole Vicky thing she had been trying to salvage some trust anyway were friends again.

"hey Beth." Elena smiled

"would you mind if i borrowed your boyfriend i really want a dance and well mine i stuck on punch duty."  asked making sure to add a pout which people could resist she laughed.

"if its all right with Stefan it's alright with me" i looked to Stefan who i held out his hand i smiled and took it then began to slow dance with him. i sighed

"is everything alright" he asked

"there is this girl that always seems to pop up everywhere. Jer met here when he was researching a paper ever since then she hasn't left him alone she was at the grill then she was here always flirting. there is something about her the screams danger." i talk him he swung me out the brought me in.

"it could be just jealousy" i laughed

"yeah i could be i am a Forbes after all. but it's not that. it was like when i first met Damon the whole since something about him screamed for me to be wary of him. its gut retching." i replied

"you said there was a vampire what if there was more. Stefan" i looked up at him

"everything is going to be fine Beth" the song finished.

"thank you for the dance" he smiled and i left for some more punch but before i got there Jailhouse rock came on a i was stopped by Damon.

"1 Dance that all and i won't you won't see me for a month i promise" he held out his hand.

"add staying away from my sister and you have a deal." he nodded and we danced like proper fancy moves and everything. Stefan came up to us.

"he's here. Beth say with Jeremy he threatened him." i nodded and went to my boyfriend.

"fancy some help baby?" i asked taking his side i bit my lip and he saw.

"what's wrong" he whispered.

"someone just threatened you to Elena. Stefan and Damon are sorting it." i replied he nodded. 15 minutes later i got i text.

Stefan - All Clear.

i breathed a sigh of relief. it was the end of the night and i was at the grill looking for Caroline Jeremy had leaned me his jacket

 "ugh she said she was here and now I'm tired. Damn it Caroline" i grumbled

"chill you can stay at mine okay?" he lead me out of the grill and back to his 

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