Chapter 2 - Start the year with a party

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the next day i dressed in a polka dot peter pan dress with tights and black shoe boots i left my hair down and applied light make up. grabbing my jacket of the day i walk downstairs where to my surprise mom is sitting having coffee.

"hi mom" i smiled at her grabbing my travel cup and pouring coffee.

"hello sweetheart, I'll be dropping you off at school. Caroline said she had to help with something for tonight." she replied i nodded grabbing some breakfast and ready to leave. i got in the patrol car sitting in the front and began munching on my breakfast. when i got to school i was met by a waiting Jeremy, i said bye to mom and got out.

"look let's make a deal" he started i sighed and nodded.

"when we're with each other Vicki never gets mentioned. come on Beth you're the only sane person i have"  he held out his hand and i took it.

"how can i resist my best friend" i joked as we went into school. as we walked into school i saw Caroline talking with Elena and Bonnie, i slapped her arm.

"you left me! it was the most awkward car ride ever" i whined.

"well you should learn to get up early."  she replied

"what like a vampire no thanks. anyway you are taking me home to get ready for the part tonight okay" i walked off and to my locker grabbing my book for the first few lessons and then going to class along the way i lost Jeremy but oh well he knows how to find me. Class as usual was boring and the day went on where i found Jer in his usual place smoking. right now i was heading into the part i changed into a white  dress with a shawl and black ankle shoes with fingerless gloves.

"right I'm going to get a drink" i headed towards a keg and got a cup then filled it up after taking a big gulp i spotted Jeremy.

"cheers" i clunked my cup against his and drank. this was the night i just wanted to forget everything my emotions are all over first I'm in best friend mode then jealousy and crushing then back to best friend why can't anything be normal.

"whoa easy there take it slow." i stopped drinking

"what i was thirsty." i burped and went to get another drink. it was later on in the party Stefan had arrived and i was drunk not drunk enough to spill my darkest secrets but drunk enough to have a hangover in the morning. i saw Vicki and Tyler go into the woods 'slut going to get some.' then i saw Jeremy go in. ugh trying to be the hero.

i spotted my sister having a drink so i decided to talk or try to i stumbled up the gazebo steps.

"CARE BEAR" i hugged her tightly which she returned

"Bethy Boo" we broke apart and she looked off into the distance i saw she was looking at Stefan. i messed with her hair.

"not worry about it Care your too good for him he would never be able to match up to your awesomeness" i kissed her cheek.

"really" i nodded

"we are to sexy for the men and boys of this town i tell you. both of us are going to get some guy like the Hemsworth brothers hot and sexy totally worth our time. i nodded.

"are you still hung up on Jeeerrrremmmmy" she giggled i did as well

"he has most likely slinked off with that drug seeking slut" i replied

"somebody help!" Elena comes out of the woods with Jeremy. i don't bother pay attention when i hear the word Vicky boo hoo proberly got herself in another drunken haze. sirens were blaring and my [position on Care shoulder hadn't changed. a ambulance took off it look like it was something bad.

"right I'm am going to get you two sobered up" Bonnie cam over i whined.

"no go away Bon, Care is comfy" but she stood up and i fell over i grounded getting up and glared at the two.

"I'm going home with Jer" i stumbled over and took my best friend by the shoulders. he turned round and huffed taking me by the waist.

"oooh touchy. shush we can't tell Elena" i slurred kissing his cheek

"great she's worse than i am. that's all i need right now. come on Beth" he helped me into a car. and i leaned on his shoulder.

"Jeremy have i ever told you how hot you look. i mean seriously" i slurred he sighed. and there was a laugh

"why do glum chum we're supposed to be happy. happy, happy, happy. no wait not happy sad. the Forbes curse don't you hate the Forbes curse it sucks. my mom, Caroline, me it's all very sad." i rambled

"what is she talking about?" it was Jenna

"JENNA. I like you have i told you how much you're awesome, like seriously not like Jer he's so serious and gloomy not cuddly anymore" she laughed

"the curse, the curse screw you aaaahhh" i was pulled back

"earthquake i want a bunny for my birthday will you get me a bunny Jer- Bear peewees"

"yeah sure Beth" i hummed

"Jer why so sad smile for me Jeremy Gilbert everything is all good" i smile and tried to make him smile as well

"there is nothing to smile about. Beth Vicky is in hospital" he was trying to stop me from dancing

"oh great what this time another drug haze i mean come on she might as well say put me in rehab" i hiccup."

"Jeremy don't she's drunk by tomorrow she'll forget everything and won't remember it's the alcohol talking." i sighed and leaned into Jeremy.

"nite, nite Jer-Bear" 

The Vampire Diaries - The Best Friend Season 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora