Chapter 4 - After Vicky

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it was a few  after Halloween and when i entered the station to see my mom. Jeremy came out looking fine he smiled when he saw me. he came over and hugged me

"Hey Beth" i hugged him bag and snuggled into his neck my best friend had come back and i was happy, sort off i hated that Elena had Damon take his Memories away but the thought of him remembering what happened ugh. we broke apart.

"Hey Jer-Bear" he took my waist and i looked at the others

"hey Jenna, Elena" they were about to say something when Matt came out with my mom.

"ah Bethany come on" i gave Jer one last hug and waved to the others before going to talk to my mother. i sat down in the chair and put my feet up.

"when was the last time you saw Vicky Donovan?" she questioned i sighed.

"at the Halloween party she snogged Jer's face off and i presumed took him for a make out." i replied

"why did Stefan ask where Vicky and Jeremy where."

"i have no idea he said something about drugs a phase i knew Jer was on but hey everything is cool now" i lied

"when did you find out Vicky had left."

"when Jer came and told me he was a little upset but he said he knew it was for the best"

"did you hate Vicky." i laughed

"really mom. you know i did she strung him along and left him high and dry now look where we are." she sighed and nodded

"okay you can go. oh I'll be home late tonight." i shrugged getting up and leaving. outside the station Stefan was waiting for me.

"you ready" i nodded and we got into his car. he took me to the boarding house and we sat down.

"where do you want me to start." he asked i thought about it.

"can i trust you?" i asked.


"can i trust Damon?"


"okay when where you turned, who were you turned by, do you drink human blood does Damon drink human blood, what was the thing Damon did to Jer and anything i missed out." he laughed and began to tell me that he was turned in 1864 by his ex Katharine and that he doesn't drink human blood he is a bunny eater where as Damon does like human but has switched to blood bags. Damon used compulsion on Jer but i had vervain on me so i didn't work also that the necklace Elena wears has vervain.

"fine i won't tell but i warn you try or kill anyone i will kill you I've been trained. now can you keep a secret."

"okay and yes" i held up my wrist

"the reason you can't compel me it was given to me by my dad telling me to never take it off. Care had one but she lost it." we talked for another hour before i decided to leave. he gave me a lift to Jer house. and i walked in.

"Aunt Jenna!" i ran and jumped on the sofa.

"hi Beth."

"can you guys keep it down." mine, Elena and Jenna poked our heads up.

"why what are you doing" Jenna asked.

"homework" i got up and Moved Jer's arms sitting on his lap he sighed but didn't say anything i saw that he was doing some English. he moved some stuff around and continued.

"since when do you do homework." Elena questioned.

"look I'm behind and i have a pop quiz so" he trailed off i groaned and got up and took my place on the couch.

"i hate pop quiz I'll fail anyway." i mumbled

"what do you thing Alien?" Elena asked.

"some sort of replicate" i giggled

"he can hear you." he retorted. i huffed and leaned my head back that was until i decided i was bored

"can i stay here tonight. please" i asked the 'responsible adult'

"sure thing Beth" i cheered. after having some food i took off my UGGS and sat on Jeremy's bed crossing my legs and getting my phone out. i text my mom and Caroline telling them that i would be staying over at Jeremy's and i wouldn't be home till tomorrow afternoon. soon after Jer came up and got ready for med i went to one side, yes we share the same bed nothing happens we got into the habit as like 5 year olds and it just stuck. before settling in i took off my jumper revealing a tank top.

Jeremy gets in and pulled up the covers we lay face to face.

"you still have it." he lift up the necklace he came me for my 12th birthday

"of course i do i never take it off its one of the lucky presents i treasure" i hold up my bracelets containing Vervain.

"the bracelet your dad gave you" he messed with it.

"he said it would keep me safe and i believe him" i whispered

"well you have me to keep you safe." i giggled

"well thank you my knight in  pyjamas" i smiled. Jeremy returned it but started to lean in i froze what was he doing he just lost Vicky. he placed his lips on mine and i melted and kissed back but relaxation he me and i broke off. and sat up.

"Jeremy that wasn't funny I'm not some rebound because Vicky isn't here and i don't want this to ruin our friendship because of it. it just can't be like that i won't having you mess with me Jer" i freaked out he shushed me.

"look i wanted to do that. this has nothing to with you being the rebound or ruining our friendship..." i cut him off.

"can we just got to sleep please" he nodded and we laid down falling asleep.  the next morning i woke up early and decided to leave my head was messed up with everything that has happened.

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