Chapter 10 - Kick Ass after the night before

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okay seen as this is a Jeremy Oc there will no Jer and Anna. Anna will still be in it but not romantic thing between them because he has Beth okay on with the next chapter and back to Beth

i woke up to my phone blaring out 3OH!3 i groaned and wafted my arm trying to silence it.

"well good morning to you too" i yelped falling out of bed i lifted my head up to see Jeremy laughing his head off. i looked around i was in my room.

"what happened? how did i get here? and why do i have a sore head?" i questioned rubbing my head

"we were at the part and we were knocked out presuming by Anna or someone i woke up but you were still unconsusius Stefan drove us here and i  brought you up here and we fell asleep well i did." he chuckled i nodded

"well i am going to get some Advil and a shower" i stood up and went downstairs where there were two notes


checked on you this morning and i hoped you had a goodnights sleep.

i won't be hone until later



saw you with Jeremy this morning hope you had a good night.

I'm at Matt's call me if you need anything

Love Care

i huffed grabbing some pills and taking them with water before Jer came down. he kissed my head.

"its afternoon i will make some lunch for us okay?" i grumbled a yes and went to take a shower. after being woke up and relax by the shower and not having a headache i got dressed and went down to the kitchen where Jeremy finished making choc chip pancakes.

"yum this is one of many reasons i love you Jeremy Gilbert" i sat at the table as he served us.

"glad i could be of service" we began eating when my phone rang i excused myself and answered it.

"Yes Care Bear" i answered

"thank god do you know how long I've been trying to call you." she huffed

"I've been asleep just woke up half hour ago so what's up."

"Matt's mom walked in on us" it took me a second before i started laughing.

"wow Care Wow and why are you telling me?"

"well that wasn't why i called would you come by the grill at some point and help me with the tickets for this bachelor thing. please" i whined in response


"yay I'll be back in 10 to get ready then we'll go together. bye" she hung up i went and dug back into my pancakes


 10 minutes later Caroline walked in i had told Jer about what had happened and he reacted  the same way i did.

"haaah I'm love Jethany so cute" she looked at us on the couch

"Jethany?" i questioned

"Jeremy and Bethany shipped together." i rolled my eyes going back into Jeremy's arms she clapped her hands and went upstairs.

"so are you coming to mine after the grill?" he wondered

"do you want me to" i asked kissing him

"very much" i giggled as i leaned down on the couch with him over me and kissing down my neck i brought his lips back up to mine  before i went down his neck and kissed and sucked the skin giving him a love bite.

"oh my god. really on the couch" we jumped up Care was covering her eyes

"like your one to judge who got caught but her boyfriend mother." i teased

"well are you coming or not" i got up and we headed out i kissed Jer goodbye before getting in Care's car and making my way to the grill.


"Hi Mrs Donavan" Care chirped she looked at her before looking back to Elena

"Elena i missed you. Mattie here tells me you broke his heart." she pouted my jaw dropped that rude bitch

"Mom" Matt said

"joking " she handed a bill to Caroline

"I'll have as many tickets as that gets me" she turned back to Elena she said something else i only caught the words rebound girl looking over to Caroline oh that is it. i got up and turned her around and slapped her and grabbed her hair pulling it down

"okay listen here you bitch my sister is no rebound girl. i don't care whether you like her or not Matt does now if i ever here you trying to dis my sister again it will be more that a slap i don't care if your Matt's mom or not you treat my sister with respect is that clear." i yelled

"Bethany" the three of them shouted

"am i clear" i ignored them

"yes." i let go and smiled taking a seat

"great have a nice evening" i chimed smiling at her. Mom came over and took my arm i grabbed my stuff before she lead me out.

"what was that about. assaulting Kelly Donavan" she questioned

"boo who she deserved it you know i have anger issues when people disrespect my loved ones" i replied pulling on my jacket

"that doesn't matter I'm letting you off with a warning. now go home"

"I'll go to Jeremy's okay can i at least say good bye to Caroline first" she nodded and i went in.

"what the hell Beth" Matt asked

"what mom or not no one messes with my sister. which remind me I'm off to Jer's house bye" i kissed her cheek and left. i rung the doorbell and waited Jeremy opened the door and smiled

"hey come in" i walked through

"well you missed a treat i just totally kicked Matt's mom ass" i grinned

"really tell me about it" i wrapped my arms around his neck

"maybe later but first" i kissed him and he kissed back i broke apart i took his hand and took him upstairs.

"are you sure?"



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