Chapter 15 - The Beginning of the End

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i got out of my car at school when i felt a gust of wind behind me to see Damon standing there. in his usual black attire and a smirk plastered all over his face.

"Mr Salvatore to what to i owe your presence" i spoke okay i know I'm supposed to hate him but ever since the decade dance he's been less of a dick and more tolerable he does on occasion show that he has something human in him.

"well Miss Forbes i need you to come with me." his look turned serious. i locked my car and followed him to Mr Saltzman's class room where Stefan and Elena were.

"sorry I'm late the dog get it" Damon said i rolled my eyes as i looked at Stefan.

"we need to talk" he said he began telling me everything every detail from Elena being adopted which i knew to her birth mother being a vampire turned by Damon and being Alaric's wife. the tomb of vampires that was when i was knocked out, secret council well you get the idea i was completely in the loop.

"wow. it's just wow" i spluttered then sighed leaning on the desk

"seen as we are doing the whole confession thing I'll... squeal." i bit my lip looking at Elena

"Jeremy knows" i told her she looked confused

"knows what." she asked

"everything well everything i knew before coming in here vampires them two... Vicki. that is a few of the reasons he's pissed at you." i replied but before she could say anything Damon cut her off.

"so what does  Isobel want?" he asked right now i was thankful

"she want to meet with me" Elena replied glaring at me

"I'm here why exactly" i questioned they all looked at me.

"what i want to k now you come clean about everything that i don't know i want to know why I'm here because obviously at some point one of you will say 'we need you to watch out for Jeremy' well duh he is my boyfriend in a town full of vampires what else do you think i would do and add to the list of keeping my sister safe oh by the way." i slapped Damon.

"asshole why the hell did you do that to my sister" i yelled staking him in the stomach

"okay i deserved that" he winced i was furious there was a reason i didn't like him.

"just when i thought there was something redeemable about you." i turned to the others

"more time with Jeremy great bye" i smiled i text Caroline telling her that i was going to be a no show and she can yell at me later which she did by the way but she told me her plans for the float true gone with the wind and 1860s style. the next day i got in my car and going to Jeremy's. once i arrived i walked straight in.

"Honey I'm home" i called Jeremy came out smiling and kissed me until there was a cough we broke apart. John was standing there i smirked at him.

"hello john. good bye john" i dragged Jeremy out grabbing his jacket on the way. when were in the car we had a good laugh i missed this no troubles or anything just us we arrived where they were setting up the floats. we decided to walk around before Caroline yelled at me to help we were a proper couple something that i wanted to have since i was 10 years old holding hands, laughing, kissing just being with each other.

"Bethany come help" i sighed

"I'm sorry baby." i pouted before giving him a quick kiss and going to help. while i was helping one of the float crashed on Matt we rushed over to him.

"call a ambulance" Stefan told Care who did as she was told.

"Jeremy! Jeremy!" Elena yelled looking around i ran to her

"what is it what happened." i asked

"Isobel she took him she took Jeremy. she wants the Gilbert invention or she'll kill him" she told me. in Alaric class room i was pacing

"where is the device" Bonnie asked

"Damon has it but he won't hand it over knowing its harmful to Vampires." Stefan replied. i stopped

"what if it wasn't?" i asked

---at the Salvatore boarding house---

"absolutely not" Damon retorted to Elena who was trying to convince him to give up the invention

"I'm not gonna give the device to Isobel who'll give it to John so he can kill me i like being living dead person." he said

"but Bonnie can take its power away" Elena tried to reason.

"i don't trust her" he scowled

"then trust us" i stood making our way over to him.

"besides you owe me one for using my sister and being a dick." we stood in front of him he was thinking

"please Damon." i added. he sighed and gave the device to me. i gave him a gentle smile then handed it over to Bonnie. i made my way back to him

"this wipes the slate clean Damon no using anything done to manipulate you. this will help get Jeremy back for that...thank you" i tell him. Bonnie begging to concentrate she levitated the invention as Damon began to hum i knocked his shoulder the fire and candles began to rise Damon shifted me out of the way. before the lights came on.

"Done."  she handed it to Elena.

"great now what" Damon asked

"now we give it to Isobel." she looked at us and we nodded. At the Square Elena was talking to Isobel.

"do you really thin i came alone" we walked to the edge

"really the brothers girlfriend. ugh call home" she replied


"call home and ask for your brother Jeremy." Elena did and looked to me and nodded i slapped Damon's arm silent way of telling i was off he nodded giving a hint of a smile. i rushed to my car and drove to the Gilberts again i didn't bother knocking i went straight in seeing that he was there i ran and hugged him.

"I'm glad your okay" i whispered.

"I'm fine... Uncle John just fell" parting he gave me a look.

"hey Aunt Jenna we're going upstairs she might stay the night." Jer told Jenna.

"okay keep the door open." she replied still tending to Johns head. we went upstairs where we just laid there me in his arms. we stayed like that until Elena came in.

"Jeremy i know what Bethany told you but please let me explain" she begged

"no because I'm pretty sure your journal and what Beth told me covered everything."

"you read my journal" but she was ignored

"get out Elena." she tried to protest

"Elena... get. out" she back into the bathroom where he shut the door. i got up and hugged him. he hugged back. later we changed and climbed into bed falling asleep.

so how was that i know some of the things aren't like the show but neither is Beth and i wanted her and Damon to have a rough patch before planting the seeds of a good friendship because when i write Season two there newly developing bond will grow. its like another Damon and Alaric friendship. in my opinion what i have planned it will play a big part.

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