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I really want Electra to forgive me. Its not my fault I had to leave, but I do guess its my fault I forgot about her. I don't know.


I really missed Electra, I'm happy that we are reunited again. Lucky Grayson. I don't like her in that way though, she is just a great friend.


"I'm going out with Sophie." I told mum and when to the door to put my shoes on. I have already told Sophie everything that happened in every detail. Well she is my best friend. (Pic at top).

"Can I come?" Ethan asked.

"Sure," I said "and Ethan's coming too." I told my mum again.

"Ok, don't be back too late." Mrs. Dolan said.

And we left, I drove to Sophie house to pick her up. We were going Starbucks.

"So, I missed you." Ethan said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, same."

"I guess you don't want to marry Gray then."

"Yup." I said popping the p.

We got to Sophie's and she came running out and sat in the back. When she saw Ethan, I already knew that she thinks he is a fitty.

"Wow," she said "damn your fine."

"Not to bad yourself." Ethan replied and she blushed.

"Alright guys, stop flirting, I'm surprised because its normally me who does it. Oh and by the way, this is Ethan, Ethan this is Sophie." They shock hands, oy oy oy, these people.

We made our way safely to Starbucks and order. We sat down and it was mostly Ethan and Sophie flirting. Its so obvious that they like each other already.

We leave and I drop Sophie off first obviously.

"Wait, can I please have your number?" Smooth Ethan, so smooth, not. I laughed. They gave each other there numbers and I drove back to mine with Ethan.

"You like her don't you?" I asked him while I smirked.

"Why do you ask?" He went a little red.

"Its obvious." I said in a duh tone.

"Oh no, really." I laughed at his reaction.

"Its ok, she's cool, she is so similar to me, we are like twins. Like you and Gray." We laughed.

We walked inside and Ethan's mum was still here and so was Gray. Ugh.

"Sup." I said.

"Hi." Ethan said no one replied.

"Earth to people." I say clicking my fingers after a few seconds of silence.

"What?" Grayson finally functions.

"Ok? What up with everyone?" Me and Ethan said in unison.

"You and Grayson are moving in together tomorrow." My mum blurted out. My mouth droped.

"Why???" I slightly yelled.

"Because you are getting married in 3 months." She replied.

"Why?" I yelled even louder.

"Because... because. Just because, get over it." She had teary eyes. I looked down disappointed.

"Whatever, bye Ethan, bye people." I gave Ethan a hug and ran up the stairs in to my bedroom.

I had to pack so I did it now anyways. Tomorrow is going to be fun. (Note to sarcasm).

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