Intertwined: Chapter 7. The Raid

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Intertwined: Chapter 7.  The Raid                      


“Good morning Mitchell.” The nurse greeted as I walked past her office holding my rugby kit.

“Good morning.” I smiled and continued to walk although I could tell she was burning her gaze into the back of my head, luckily for her I was benched and would have no time on the field.

I hurried into the changing rooms getting changed into my kit, although I knew there would be no point as I was just going to sit and watch, I was nudged in the face a couple of times as the rest of the squad entered the changing rooms. I pulled myself from my locker and joined the others sat in the middle of the locker rooms, this is how it all started each practise - Coach would register and then we’d practise - practise - practise or in my case sit and watch.

“Morning Ladies.” Coach greeted.

 “Morning Coach.” We chanted.

I looked around and there was no sight of Jesse, I shrugged and looked back at Coach who was talking about positions and I could see that I had been replaced. I frowned and looked over to Coach who was talking to one of the other members of the squad, I understood why he positioned me on the sidelines but all for a sponsorship? I gripped my hands onto the edge of my seat and continued to watch Coach speak to each individual member apart from myself.

 “Where’s our inside center?” Coach called out. “Francesco?”

Coach continued looked irritated as I chuckled, I looked over to the clock, it was nine o’clock in the morning and well - we - we’re always here on time, only difference being that I decided to arrive at practise earlier. So, where the heck was he? I looked over to the seat beside me and instead of Jesse being there it was Nick, he looked at me from the corner of his eyes and smiled as Coach continued to talk to him. Suddenly someone burst through the double doors looking bright-eyed and scruffy.

“Hey Coach, sorry I’m late but have you seen Mitchell?”

Everyone turned to see Jesse who had shirt back onto front walk into the room, before looking at me as they had all seen me apart from Jesse. Uh - hi?  I raised my hand and waved showing Jesse that I was here as he frowned and took a seat beside Nick. Soon our roles were reversed as Jesse chuckled whilst I frowned, Coach did a double-take and walked over to Jesse rather than myself, so Nick turned towards me as Coach and Jesse spoke.

"You in then, Larsson?"

"In what?" I asked distracted by the sight behind Nick.

"The raid - We're going to go check out the competition." Nick smiled.

"Yeah,  I'm in - Who else is coming?" I looked at around the squad before looking back at Nick.

"Well, just you and me at the moment - Not found anyone else daring to come along." He smirked.

 "Jesse will come  - He likes to have an adventure now and his girlfriend will probably come along." I shrugged, although Rafael could bring Layla along whom would then bring her boyfriend.

"Raffy?" Nick interrupted.

I nodded and watched as Nick's face grimaced slightly, he nodded and stood up as the rest of the squad piled out, I followed Nick out onto the field until I was stopped by Coach himself.

"Yes, Coach?" I asked. What do you want?

 "So, you do understand our situation then Larsson?"  Coach asked.

"Yes, Coach - I understand." I spoke through gritted teeth. Understand my arse.

"And this is why you're a team player Larsson." Coach smiled and patted me on the back. Team player? I bit my bottom lip as I groaned slightly.

                                        *                                       *                                       *            

 I watched from the sidelines watching a bunch of guys tackle each other but chuckled watching Jesse get pummeled by the larger guys on our team. I yawned pouring myself a drink from the large jug set next to the bench I was sat on, I gulped down the water before chucking the plastic cup down as I snickered at the sight of Coach running up and down the sidelines trying to keep up with the action. Although it was entertaining it was a ghastly sight to see also, I laid back on the stands looking up to the clear blue skies

 "Come on ladies! Pick up the pace!" Coach shouted as I looked down at them.

 I felt my jaw drop as I watched each of them move quicker and fight harder to get the ball to the opposing side, it was interesting to see the same team work play against each other as we all knew our weaknesses and strengths. All that was missing was perhaps some instrumental music to enhance their  'graceful movements'. I turned my head hearing someone applaud their performance it was Jesse's 'girlfriend' Rafael and since it was a Saturday morning there was no need for me to question why she was there. 

 She didn't notice me - her gaze was fixated upon the number thirteen jersey which belonged to Jesse - and by the way the whole squad were practising we we're bound to win. Without my help. I watched as Jesse passed to Nick and backed away as Nick stormed down the field, avoiding those in his way, before he reached the end on zone which gained the right side five points. The squad now began run laps up and down the field working on their speed and stamina,  I envied each and every single one of them as they were in what was considered acceptable 'health'.

"Hey Raffy." I smiled as I walked over to her sat at one of the stands.

"Ugh." She replied as she spotted me.

 "Ugh to you too - So how are we?"

"Could be better but fine - That's it Jesse keep running!" She jumped up and down as Jesse looked over at the both of us.

"That should be me out there with him." I mumbled, Rafael placed her hands in her pockets giving me a bewildered look.

"So, you in?" I asked casually, turning to face her.

 "Into what?"

I laughed at her comeback, "No, are you coming to the raid?"

"Is Jesse going to be there?" She smiled with a glint of hope in her eyes.

"Uh - Yeah of course." I scoffed at her question which made her punch my arm. Ow.

"Then I'm in with Layla," A smile instantly grew on my face until she mentioned, "And Oliver of course."  Ah - Ollie short for Oliver - Layla's boyfriend - Just as I expected.

"Nick and I will meet you there then."

I shrugged, but she didn't seem to hear what I said as she just ran off - off into Jesse's sweaty sweaty arms. I sighed walking back to my bench where I had to pour cups of water for the members of the squad, at least I had the raid to look forward to - that and Layla.

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