Intertwined: Chapter 3-2. Glorious Hot Dogs!

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Intertwined: Chapter 3-2. Glorious Hot Dogs!

 "Mitchell, did you clean up the mess you made?" Mum asked, as she was holding two plates in one hand and one in the other, I smiled walking into the kitchen.

"Yes, Mum I did." I sighed taking one of the plates from her, I smiled seeing it was my favourite meal; hot dogs smothered in chili con carne.

 "What's for dinner Charlotte?" Jesse asked as he casually strolled into the kitchen.

 "Hot dogs." I mumbled as I continued stuff my face with savoury hearty good ol' meat.

 "Mitchell." Mum gave me a disapproved look as I continued eat.

 "What?" I muffled.

Jesse laughed and took the other plate for himself and also tucked in.

"Onions anyone?" Mum asked as she placed her plate onto the counter, fetching the saucepan.

Jesse shook his head saying, 'No' as I mumbled, "Yes please."

My mum topped off my half-eaten hot dog with cooked crisp onions as Jesse pulled a face, I just grinned and smirked, "I'm not kissing anyone am I?"

"Whatever." Jesse continued to chew till the hot dog was devoured, "Please Ma'am can I have some more?"

 "More?" Mum asked.

  I laughed recognising the reference to the musical, Oliver?

  "Yeah Mum, I want more?" I asked.

 "Sorry what?" She chuckled.

"Uh - Please?" I pulled those puppy eyes hoping they would work.

"More of what?" She laughed. Or not.

 "GLORI-OUS FO-OD!" I sang - Well attempted to as my voice couldn't reach those high notes anymore, so my voice just cracked during my attempt to sing. 

Mum and Jesse burst out into fits of laughter as I coughed as I attempted to sing the high notes, I thumped my fist into my chest trying to cough as my ribs scorched with searing pain. I breathed gently trying to fill my lungs without provoking the pain, but also regretted thumping my chest so hard. I dropped my empty plate onto the counter with a clatter as I tried to stretch with my hands behind my head, I grunted since pain sliced through each breath and stretch.

“Here, food will make you better.Open wide.” Jesse cooed as if I were a baby, his hand holding a brand new hot dog smothered with chili. “Open wide my Princess.”

“Jess - Not right now.” I moaned.

“Here comes the train. Choo-choo!” Jesse continued ignoring me.  Where was a pillow when I needed one?

 I shook my head, but that didn’t stop Jesse from smothering chili onto my mouth did it? I pouted as some mince and sauce dripped down my lips, my chin onto my jumper, Jesse just laughed pulling away and as for Mum she wasn’t happy.

"Whoopsies." Jesse giggled as I swatted his hands from helping clean my messy face.

“What am going to do with you, Mitchell Scott?” Mum sighed passing me a kitchen towel.

“Ship me to my grandparents? Send me to go make a bath?” I began to suggest ideas, “Uh - Let me partake in P.E. and rugby?” I said hoping she would say ‘Yes’ but  Of course she wouldn’t.

“The first option is very tempting but - No, as for the second option - Yes and of course I am NOT letting you partake in Physical Education or Rugby.” She reprimanded.

“But I’ll have nothing to do!” I groaned.

“You could always study and I really think you would be adorable being slightly more chubby, like Jesse for example.” She cheeped.

 “Hey!” Jesse interrupted as he probably overheard my mum calling him chubby yet adorable.

 “What happened to ‘I like you the way you are’?” I asked
Before my mum could explain she was interrupted by Jesse, "Can I have another hot dog please?"

"What happened to the one you shoved into my face?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

 "I - Uh - Um -" He stuttered, looking down to the floor as he rocked back and forth on heels.

"You ate it didn't you?" I blankly stated.

"I'm hungry okay?" He exclaimed, putting his palms up and faced towards me.

"Yeah, okay - Okay - I'll go have a wash since I'm covered in chili, so feel free to eat my chili and I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" I questioned.

"Will do." He nodded, punching my shoulder as I walked passed him.

 I pulled a face as I continued to walk out the kitchen, before my mum called out, "Hey Mitchell?"

 "Hey Mum?" I responded reversing slightly as I walked back to the open door, Jesse was still eating whilst my mum walked over to me.

"It's been a while since I've seen Cass-"

'Same here.  A year too long.' I mumbled.

 I shrugged as my mum continued, "Yeah, it's been a while since she's seen you." Or me.

 If I had knew my mum was going to bring that or any photo out I would have never even returned, I looked down at the photo which was placed in my hand.

"Why don't you have her around anymore? Last time I saw you two together, you were completely in love with each other, almost like a soul-" - mates.

I interrupted her feeling an ache deep in my chest, "Okay Mum, I get it." I quickly handed her the photo and turned away as I  looked away, tears pricked at my eyes slightly. I croaked, "Yeah - I - Um -I'm gonna go."                                  

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