Intertwined: Chapter 1. Just Breathe

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Intertwined: Chapter 1. Just Breathe

I blinked several times to find Cassidy had pulled away, both of our chests heaved with every breath, I moved my gaze up to the dark sky. A light breeze ruffled through the forest’s leaves, I could just feel it brush past as I pulled at my Jersey sleeves.

It only took a matter of a few seconds, before the wind picked up into a gale. I looked down to find a glimmer of sapphire catch my gaze, it was silent which meant it was probably time to leave. I walked over to Cassidy taking her hand in mine as we began to walk. We continued to walk together at a steady speed, but her hand kept slipping from my own.

I repeatedly told myself. 'Keep walking...'  

 Another howl. 'Keep walking...'  

The purpose of running is to escape. And that was the solemn reason why we had to run. Cassidy at my side only provoked; my heart to pound harder, my lungs to inhale yet exhale, the adrenaline to kick in. I picked up the pace of my movements as Cassidy was already ahead and if I didn't catch up it would be game over. I could picture myself frozen, the only warmth supplied by the gazes burnt into my backside and that's when the running began. I darted after Cassidy, running in the same direction only to avoid the silhouettes lurking around.

The only sounds that could be heard were; the slaps of my vans against solid earth, my heart beat thundering with my ragged pants in-between. Even if my heart had lunged at my throat it wasn't the cause of the dizziness, just as it was equally  hard to ignore the ache in my thighs. But still, I continued to run.The earth moved under each and every step, there was no reason to look over my shoulder, of course they were behind me. Shadows gaining onto the both of us, closer and closer. The faster I ran more of the night air sliced at my blazed cheeks. My pants became regular as I came to a halt, I placed my hands behind my head trying to breathe.

I watched silver tinted scarlet flickers began to fade away as Cassidy successfully continued to escape their clutches.

'Keep going... Keep going.'  I weakly smiled as there was no sign of Cassidy's scarlet red hair.

                         I wobbled taking a few steps forward... Left...



THUD!  Ouch.

My knees had gave under my weight as I fell onto my front, nothing to soften the blow but solid earth. I turned onto my back, wheezing, as I choked. I gripped at my chest trying to ease the load cutting off my air supply with no avail. I closed my eyes in anticipation of the attack, either that or dying.


                                          *                                       *                                       *


 “Cassidy!” I gasped as the load on my chest eased.

 It was all just a blur as my head continued to spin. I breathed in deeply before exhaling, met by the gaze of my fellow team members,  I sat up my head in-between my knees. My chest burned as I coughed after each sharp intake of crisp air.  More than one pair of eyes were glued to me. I quickly glimpsed up at my surroundings, there was no sign of Cassidy at all. The light was strong  even blinking didn’t dilute the light, it only made my gaze disorientated with colours.  A whistle was blown which made my ears ring, not that my coach’s voice echo in the distance helped.  Ouch.

“Larsson! What are you doing?!” The voice boomed.

To be honest I did have no clue at all.

  Perhaps - I was taken down, anticipating the action of which brought harm. Instead, I was brought down all by the single intention of holding the ball over a single obvious line. However, it did bring some minor damage with or without the harmful intention, moreover winning the game. Being tackled to the mud below was an experience and the after effects well, just made the experience worth going through. I looked in the same direction of which Cassidy had ran, in her place was rugby ball laid upon the grass.

“How - are - you - feeling?” Someone asked.

 "I'm - I'm fine." I croaked.

 I tilted my head looking at the vast amount of people surrounding me. There was One… Two… Maybe five… Or fifteen?  Cassidy wasn’t here it was just me, the rugby field and of course the others.

"Someone take Larsson to the nurse’s office, make sure ‘Princess’ hasn’t broke anything.” Coach commented before sending the others back into the game.

“Thanks Coach.” I muttered, not letting him know that I was tempted to kick him, the short rounded man wearing tight shorts-in the balls.

I got to my feet and attempted to walk but groaned as I exhaled.

"Come on 'Princess', let's get you to the nurse."  Jesse smirked.

"You're just jealous." I waggled my eyebrows at him.

"Sure am, 'Princess'." Jesse winked as I wrapped an arm around his neck.

As we both steadily began to walk, I yelped as Jesse suddenly carried me bridal-style off the field as the others watched bewildered.

"Put. Me. Down." I hissed.

 "But 'Princess' you're hurt, I can't make you walk." Jesse moped.

"Put. Me. Down." I whined.


"I said put me down, not drop me!" I cried out, stubbornly shoving him as I got back up.

 "I'm sorry 'Princess', forgive me?" Jesse pouted.

 "Okay okay, just shut up and help me get to the nurse's office."  I groaned as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

 After walking up stairs, avoiding students as well as teachers, here I was. The dreaded place called the 'Nurse's office'.

"Come on 'Princess', we're here now." Jesse complained and with a hard shove I was inside the office.

Hello 'Princess', what's wrong?" The nurse asked as we entered.

I glared over at Jesse who raised his hands up in defense as he stood at the door.

"Mitchell, got piled on during rugby and Coach wants to make sure he hasn't broke anything." Jesse spoke, clearly avoiding my glares.

"I'm - I'm fine I swear." I smiled but groaned as I lifted myself onto the seat.

"No, you're not Mitchell Larsson." The nurse commented. I raised my eyebrow at her.

How did you know my name?

"It's on your jersey and you were called, Mitchell." The nurse lightly laughed. "Lift your shirt up."

 "What?" I questioned.

"Lift your shirt up."  She repeated.

 I winced taking the Jersey off and shot a glare towards Jesse who let out a low wolf whistle.

"How bad am I?" I asked the nurse.

 "Just a few bruises, however we may have to tape your ribs as they may also be bruised." The nurse answered, taking a roll of white tape out a drawer.

I narrowed at my eyes at Jesse, he waggled his eyebrows at me, whilst the nurse began to secure the tape around my ribs. I cringed as she did so but just thought of two words. ‘Just breathe.’ Those simple words kept me alive. Simple words to live by, simple instructions to follow; Inhale. Exhale. Sure it was hard enough to  breathe when Cassidy had metaphorically ‘broke my heart’ but here I was without her. Breathing.

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