Intertwined: Chapter 1-2. Ignorance

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Intertwined: Chapter 1-2. Ignorance

I stopped inhaling deeply as sharp pain stabbed at my ribs, I withdrew oxygen attempting to relive the pain. I took shallow breaths trying not to emphasize the excruciating pain, but I knew that I would have to continue to breathe normally.

 “Mitchell, I suggest you sit out on rugby and take the next few weeks or month to rest as you can’t accelerate your recovery.” The nurse stated, handing me an ice-pack wrapped in a towel.  A few weeks? A month? Great.

“You may go now but remember physical activity may cause you more pain.” The nurse looked at me above the rim of her glasses, I nodded in return.

“Got it, a few weeks or month without rugby.” I smiled placing my jersey back on, Jesse raised an eyebrow at my smile, but waited for me outside the nurse’s office.

 “Thanks.” I muttered as I made way out.

“Well, the nurse says you’ve only bruised your ribs so coach-” Jesse started.

 “Will kick my ass off the team if he finds out.” I groaned as I flung the ice-pack to the floor and winced as I attempted to breathe deeply.

 “Princess, stop being spoilt and put that wherever it hurts.” Jesse sighed and bent down to hand me the wrapped icepack.

“Princess, my ass.” I scowled and recoiled every time the ice-pack touched my skin, but finally held it firmly to my ribs.

"So, what happened out there? You were just about to score then you suddenly stopped and got piled on?” Jesse asked.

 “I guess I blanked out and was just urm-” I scratched the back of my neck debating whether to tell him or not.

“You were thinking about her again weren’t you?” Jesse spoke distorting the image of Cassidy in my mind.

"Uh - Yeah - Yeah I was.” I confessed.

Jesse laughed as I continued to be oblivious to reality, replaying memories over and over again, when in reality I just continued to walk bumping into students, teachers and bins. Basically, anything that happened to be in my way. It was a surprise that I hadn't been sent to hospital just yet.

                                              *                                       *                                       *     

We walked out onto the empty field as I continued to wheeze holding the ice pack to my ribs.

“Where did everybody go? They all disappeared.” Jesse asked, continually looking around.

 “Think fast!” I heard Coach’s voice snap.

What the - I looked up to find a rugby ball headed our way as it sliced through the air, I acted on an impulse and dropped the ice pack and caught the ball. And by ‘catching’ the ball I had stubbornly allowed myself to seize the ball, despite the impact it brought to not only to my hands but to my breathing also. I gasped at the stabbing sensation to my ribs as I breathed deeply.

“Great job Larsson, it’s good to see you’re still as fit as ever, to think I were to bench you for this season.” Coach guffawed, walking over to Jesse and myself. Just great.

“Are you sure you’re not reconsidering that Coach?” Jesse asked, I looked over to him as I clutched my side with one hand.

“Sure, Larsson’s performance was pathetic as he did stop in the middle of a match, but he seemed to be fine right through the beginning though.” Coach answered. Pathetic? This didn't help the fact that I still wanted to kick him in the balls.

"Then why consider putting me into the game?” I passed the ball to Coach for my hands to be free to soothe my painful ribs.

“Good question, Princess I think you have the potential of becoming a great sportsman.” Coach answered, passing the ball to me once more.

I grimaced as I caught the ball once more and passed the ball over to Jesse, who wasn’t paying attention at all, since the ball  hit him directly in the face. Jesse recovered by finally having the ball in both hands. If it didn’t hurt to breathe I would’ve laughed.

“What - What about me Coach?” Jesse questioned, a grin tugged at his lips as he awaited his praise.

 The Coach looked at me then Jesse and clasped his hands together.

“You boys better head off to the showers and be sure to be here at practise on time.” Coach stated, giving me a firm pat on the back as he walked towards the gym.

 “Uh - Coach?” Jesse called out with a disappointed look on his face.

“Remember, be here on time.” Coach repeated.

 I nodded and bent down to pick up the wrapped ice-pack, hurriedly pressing it to my sore side, I grit my teeth as my flesh disliked the cold sensation. I inhaled short sharp breaths easing the pain, but I knew better and inhaled deeply, I bit my tongue as the stabbing returned.

“Well, looks like Princess is still on the team.” Jesse announced, passing the rugby ball from one hand to the other.

“Suppose so.” I shrugged as felt some drops of water run down my side.

 “Larsson!” Coach’s voice echoed.

I quickly dropped the ice-pack once more as Jesse stood watch and turned around to the short man in the distance. Uh oh.

“Yes, Coach?” I called out.

“Be sure to place that ice-pack on your right cheek you’ve got a slight bruise.” Coach replied.

 I looked back at the small man and nodded, before I looked over to Jesse. He was still moping as Coach had ignored him twice, I shrugged and bent down to pick up the ice-pack.

“We better get going.” I brushed the blades of grass from my ice-pack.

"Am I really that bad at rugby?” And that was my cue to start walking.

“Like I said, ‘we better get going.’ ” I repeated beginning to walk towards the gym as Jesse jogged after me.

 “No, seriously am I that bad?” He asked once again.

  “No comment.” I smirked, beginning to walk faster.

“I AM THAT BAD HUH?” He yelled.

 I laughed, clenching my grip around the ice-pack harder as my chest ached. I continued to pace faster as Jesse continued to rant behind me. Since it was too painful to run I decided to go for the next best option;  Speed/Power walking!

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