Intertwined: Chapter 15-2. Chocolate

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Intertwined: Chapter 16. Chocolate

I wheezed breaths in from my nostrils and out through my mouth, my lungs were burning under each breath flames scorching at my throat, but not even drinking ice cold water could soothe this blaze. I sat upon the hospital bed waiting for Dr. Smith to return with yet another scan of my ribs, I only knew one thing - I was definitely not going to be allowed to go return to rugby, I groaned in frustration I finally got a decent position and I was going to return to being a wing, or being benched. Then again, being left wing would beat sitting on the sidelines any day. I hated hospitals not for only for their inedible food, but  for the white painted walls and the overwhelming aroma of chemicals. I brought my palm across the right side of my ribcage wincing, I exhaled a breath but paused feeling my ribs continue to crack, they were definitely bruised - I groaned in pain - or cracked. I could only guess for I was in immense pain especially when I coughed or breathed deeply. I looked towards the scan in which Dr. Smith now held in front of her face as she returned, her eyes narrowed towards me in disapproval as she lowered the scan. 

"Mitchell, what are you thinking?" Dr. Smith asked.

"I'm thinking you are definitely not going to allow me to even go to rugby practise?" I answered knowing the answer all ready.

"That is correct since you have two broken ribs and I am afraid that you may get pneumonia, since I am hoping that the bone marrow will not seep into your blood stream." Dr. Smith spoke putting the scan onto the desk near the hospital bed. 

"So, is that a yes to not going to rugby practise?" I asked.

"Indeed, that is a yes," Dr. Smith walked over to me holding a roll of white tape and began to wrap the tape around my ribs in a figure of eight. "You'll need to take a deep breath every once in a while in order for you not to restrict your breathing, so you have to try your hardest to breathe properly."

I felt some relief as the tape brought some pressure to my ribs, "Do I need to tape my ribs every time?"

"No, cracked or broken ribs take up to around 6 weeks to heal, so you my dear need to be patient and rest." Dr. Smith gave me a smile handing me the small roll of tape, "But if it does bring you some comfort here is some tape."

"So, no rugby?" I asked.

"Cheeky as ever aren't you Mr. Larsson?" Dr. Smith shook her head handing me my shirt.

I laughed grabbing my shirt and pulling it over my head as I headed towards the door.

"Cassidy, sends her love from Paris." Dr. Smith added, as I left the small office. 

I sighed. Cassidy. Sweet, sweet Cassidy. I looked towards my mum as she got up from the seat in the waiting room giving me a smile as Jesse was down the hall trying to get something out of the vending machine. I looked down the hall and laughed seeing him on the floor with his hand in the vending machine, my mum quickly walked down the hall concerned with Jesse, and with the amount of attention the doctors were paying towards him. I was pretty sure they were ready to grab  gurney if Jesse took it a step too far. I walked down the hallway putting the tape into the back pocket of my jeans, Jesse cried as my mum told him it was time for him to give up as there was no way in which he could retrieve the chocolate bar. Somehow my mum got Jesse onto feet as she ruffled his hair, she was probably promising to buy him food at a stop, I watched as the two of them began to walk down the hallway towards the reception and hospital entrance, before my gaze dropped down to the retrieval flap of the vending machine. I bent down putting my right hand into the flap trying to retrieve the bar of chocolate. Empty.

 I tried feeling around but as I just about my elbow as well as my hand and arm into the machine, I still could not feel the damn - I paused feeling the corner of the bar, the smooth wrapping encasing the foil wrapping. There you are. I sighed now knowing how Jesse felt as it was completely hopeless. I stayed there for a few minutes for I was pretty sure that the doctors and nurses passing by thought I were weird. For a weird moment I thought I could be able to retrieve the bar, I waited till it were quiet around me and brought my left hand to the flap, and tried to bend the metal flap in order for there to be more room. For the first few minutes nothing happened. I looked down the hallway trying to see if my mum and Jesse had left, but no they were still stood around looking back towards me, I flashed them a smile now trying to get this chocolate bar. But the more minutes passed I felt rage race through my veins, causing adrenaline to stream as I furrowed my eyebrows in frustration and gripped my left hand tighter. I paused as I heard the metal creak and looked down towards the now non-existent  flap, I grinned seeing the bar of chocolate and easily retrieved it into my hand. I chucked the flap to the side since no one would notice. .  . I got to my feet looking right to left making sure no one saw as I quickly headed down the hallway towards Mum and Jesse, not without opening the bar of chocolate though. 

"What took you so -" Jesse's eyes narrowed towards the opened chocolate bar in my hand, "Where did you get that?"

"Dr. Smith gave me some chocolate to soften the blow since it looks like I'm not returning to rugby for a while." I replied, handing him the chocolate bar considering I did not have a sweet tooth.

Jesse happily snatched the chocolate out of my hands and took a bite mumbling, "But Mitchell, you're expected to play for the first upcoming match."

"Oh don't worry, I'll be playing." I'd make sure of it. . . 

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