It All Started Because Of The Smallness. |ChaoticMonki (Cry/Cryaotic)|

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  • Dedicated to Trinity Sixx

Warning: All you about to see are all from my Quotev account. :)

Author's Note:

Hey, guys! Sorry if you thought that this story is completed and finished. So, I realized that I should continue it. So, I figured out that many of you wants many of one-shots. c: So, I figured out in making all of them! Yay~ Hahaha~ So, this one-shot is for one of my best friends here in Quotev, who is Bloody Cryaotic xD. :) Hey, Trinity~ I hope you would be happy about me making a one-shot for you. I just got an idea by doing a one-shot or a short story just for you. Hahaha~ I always make and dedicate one-shots for some of people who means a lot to me. :) So, you're one of them~ Anyways, Here it is~! Enjoy, Kissara~ I know it's not much, Trinity, but I hope you would enjoy reading this one~ I love you friend and thank you for being one of my best friends here in Quotev. c: Always remember that I can be there for you every time you have problems with your family, friends, relatives, love life, etc., HAHAHA~ Anything, I will there for you, I promise. I wish someday we could meet. c: We might meet each other because of our boyfriends. c; Hahaha~ Guess those people, are, bro. ;3 And to top it all, Thank you so much for role playing and entertaining me. I hope we could see each other SOMEDAY. c: Whatever your dream is, I will be your first number one fan, and I will be there for you to support you. Oh God, You're making me CRY. No... Actually, this note is making me CRY. *le cries* I wish and hope our friendship here in Quotev will last, and please, no homo. c; Shit, I treat you like my own sister already. *le cries* I want some tacos, please. c: Give me some, bro! Hahaha~ So, what else? I am making this conversation so long. -.- Okay, So, this is Renee Turner, not signing off.

~Mrs. Renee "Cryaotic"-Turner

The Girl Who Loves And Cares For You,
The One Who Loves Toby "Tobuscus" Turner that much,
Your Twinny,
Your Sister-In-Law,
Your Own Sister


P.S. I hate barrels. -.- Hahaha~ Did I make you CRY~ c;

It All Started Because Of The Smallness. |ChaoticMonki (Cryaotic/Cry)| One-shot

It's around eight in the morning, and my best friend, Renee and I woke up early. Well, the thing is, Renee and I are sharing a single house, and that's make us both roommates, and also known as housemates. We have known each other for a year. I've known her through a website called Quotev, and that single website made us both best friends all over the country. We can be a little annoying at times, because you know, we're both crazy.

Hehehe~ Thank you, Quotev, for giving this opportunity to have a friend like Renee here, who is currently looking for her green headphones. "Where the fahking hell are my fahking headphones?!?" I heard her scream from her room. I stifled a laugh and I failed in doing that. I bursted out laughing and yelled back, "I have told you a million times that it is always behind your monitor!" "Oh yeah.... Forgot about that.... My bad! Thanks anyways, sis~" She yelled in an awkward tone. That's what I love about Renee. She's always funny when it comes to an awkward moment like this. My name's Trinity Sixx. I am currently fourteen years young.

I love playing video games with Renee like playing Slender, Amnesia, Ib, Mad Father, Lucius, Left 4 Dead, Minecraft,  The Walking Dead, Just Dance 4 and Grand Theft Auto. I love the color black and red. I have long brown hair and hazel eyes. I am quite short, and I have been living in Florida with all my life. I love it here, and somehow, I am quite proud of living here, despite the bipolar weather over here. You know why I am proud? Because somehow, my celebrity crush, Cry is living maybe a few blocks on me~ If you don't know him, I might going to kill you, bro. Just joking. c: But, I will.... Seriously. "Trinity~ Are you on now?!?" Renee screamed from her room. "Yeah, Almost!" I lied, face palming in the progress and went to my computer table. I sat on my computer chair and turned on my computer. I waited for it, impatiently, and I kicked it, so it can be more faster. (Not like that, you perverts.) Magically, It had happened. "YAY, BABY!" I squealed, making me close my mouth and began typing the password.

After a while, The computer was alive and I turned my face camera on. I looked for my head phones which is a red and black head phones, (which is like mine in real life...) and found it hanging on my table which has a hook on it. I grabbed it and put it on my ear. Renee's face popped into my screen, making me jump up. I glared at her face as she laughed. "Not funny, bro." I shot her a look. She stuck a tongue out at me. I mimicked her and rolled my hazel orbs, making her do that too. Renee has medium length dark brown hair, which causes her to be a brunette. She is currently fifteen years old. She loves Tobuscus that much, and she always acts like him. She's funny yet, serious at times. She is quite sensitive and she is enjoyable in playing video games with her, especially when we are both playing Left 4 Dead 2 together. I kinda sucked at the game, though. It's because I didn't play it like forever. "So, you're ready, bro?" Renee asked me, a ghost of a smile appearing into her face. "I'm always ready, sis." I smirked, and clicked the icon of Left 4 Dead 2. 

"Aww, SO NOT COOL, SIS!" I slammed my hands on my table, childishly. Renee laughed and teased, "It's because little Trinity gets kicked out by her ass by a Tank? Poor, Poor, Trinity." I pouted and make a look at her. I smirked as I teased back, "That's from the girl who always loves, mentions and fangirls over Tobuscus as much she loves eating Nutella~" She blushed madly and glared at me. I laughed, causing me to roll on the floor. "I will kill your Cry doll while you are asleep, sis." She grinned evilly. My eyes widened. "Go to hell, bro!" A plan came through my mind. "I might going to rip up all of your posters of Toby over there!" I smirked again. It's now her turn to widen her eyes. "Don't you dare, bro!" She looked panicked. A pathetic and evil grin plastered over my face, "But, I will." I stand up and started storming to her room. I turned the doorknob, making my smirk fall and turned into a frown. "Ha! That's what happens when you turn into Triaotic~" I heard Renee say from the other side of the door.

I blushed madly and I could tell she was smirking. My frown turned into a smirk again. "Why is it so silent out there? Oh no. Bad idea." Renee mumbled to herself. I kicked the door, making it bust open. I saw Renee creeping and hiding in the corner and I smirked and began walking towards her, making her squeal and hide herself in the corner, using her Diamond Sword pillow. "Figures." I chuckled, and began pinned her to the wall, before I could even start tickling her, making her scream out loud, laughing, and began turning red because of the lack of the air. (Not that, pervs.) Her back was facing the wall, and I started the tickling war. After a few minutes, and receiving a bruise over my leg, coming from that vicious monster who has no heart in killing me, We started laughing to ourselves and we become bored. We are now laying down on Renee's bed, (Why are you so perverted?) and out of the blue, I heard Renee's stomach grumble across the room. My attention turned towards her and her face was pink in embarrassment. I snickered and she muttered, "I am soooooo hungry.... Wanna grab some food, Trinity?" I nodded my head and replied, "I will just change my outfit." I stood up and dashed quickly to my room. "Don't take too long~" She exclaimed. "Says the girl who's vain!" I laughed, and closed my door once I was inside my room already.

I quickly turned into an outfit, which is a t-shirt designed with a deformed monster who will all called a bro and a dirty blonde haired guy, wearing a green headphones who is one of my favorite YouTubers, PewDiePie, who are both brofisting each other. I grabbed my hoodie, which Renee gave me last year, which is a red hoodie with a word 'Sup?' on the middle. I smiled as I gazed at it. I remember myself giving Renee a green t-shirt with a word in the middle, 'Tobuscus.' I beamed as I remember those memories. Her face was priceless. I changed into a couple pair of black pants, and pair of a converse shoes. I fixed up myself by looking myself using the mirror, before smiling to myself and leaving my room, with my phone and my headset on my pockets. I peeked my head over Renee's door, finding no one in the room.

I shrugged my shoulders before yelling for her, "Renee, where are you?" "I am downstairs!" She yelled back for me. I just nodded and remembered she cannot see me. "Okay, On my way!" I giggled and walked down the stairs. I saw Renee's head perked up as she saw me coming down the stairs. I grinned and smiled widely as she wears the Tobuscus shirt I gave her and she was wearing a black leather jacket and a pair of black jeans. She has her green headphones on. I grinned and she noticed that I was eyeing her shirt. She looked down and turned towards me. She smiled and I asked, grinning widely, "You ready, sis?" "I'm always am, bro." She grinned excitedly before we left our house. 

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