My Own Superman. |Zayn Malik| [Dedicated to Hannah, my classmate. <3 ]

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  • Dedicated to Hannah Lagman

Author's Note: Hey, Hannah! It's me, Renee David, your classmate.... Anyways, I would gladly to make this one-shot for you. I made this one-shot for you because you were there for me when I was asking many questions in our subjects. I hope you would like this one.

My Own Superman. |Zayn Malik| One-shot

"Aww, Come on, Hannah! We are going to late for our Math period!" My bestfriend, Justine called upon me since I was just staring off space in the wall of our school's entrance. I snapped out of my thoughts, and slinged my bag over my shoulder, and trailed behind Justine's trails. "Wait up, Horan!" I called at Justine, who was running up the staircase. My lungs kept looking for some air, but I was truly ragged up. I caught up with her, and began racing with her to our classroom, III-A. Our Math teacher, Mr. Rodriguez, found us both late, and he made us go to our seats.

I sat on my assigned seat, which is infront of Renee Demeter, my friend and beside Justine's. I placed my bags infront of my seat, and catched some breath. I finally did, and I soon tapped Renee's shoulder and say, "Good morning." Renee smiled widely and exclaimed, "Good morning to you too, Malik." She winked at me. I blushed madly and I smirked. I raised my eyebrows at her. "If you say so, Tomlinson."  I teased her. Renee's cheeks tinted pink and playfully glared at me. I just shrugged innocently before the bell could ring, signalling the class started.

"Good morning, class." Mr. Rodriguez greeted. "Good morning, Mr. Rodriguez!" We chorused. He smiled and say, "Class, I have a very important announcement to make."  The room soon went into whispers. "Is it them?" I hear my classmate, Jacob, behind me, ask his bestfriend, Percy. "I don't know." I heard Percy reply, while I looked around the room, confused. I turned to Justine, but stopped once I saw her busy talking with her other seatmate, Jill. I sighed, and looked down.

Renee's ears perked up and turned around. "What's wrong, mate?" She say with a failed British accent. I laughed nervously and turned to her, "It's just.... I don't know who are those new people." Renee smiled at me, and patted my lap. "It's okay, Hannah. You weren't the only one." Smiling at her, I nodded and she grinned at me. "Their name's really familiar." She began. "What do you mean, by that, Renee?" I asked her, frowning. Renee sighed and looked straight to my brown eyes. I met her hazel ones. "Rumours circled around the school, Hannah. They say that their names are Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Niall." She muttered. My eyes popped out of their sockets. "D-Do you mean?" I stammered. Renee nodded, slowly. She leaned on her chair, facing the board.

"They say, that is. I would never believe them. Especially with Alice's annoying mouth." She murmured. I chuckled. Alice Smith is the school's slut. She always try to hit guys on our school, especially the school's jock, Felix Collins. Alice is around our age, infact, many girls hated her and the guys drool around her. I have no idea why guys like such whore like her. Anyways. "You really hate that bitch, ain't you, Renee?" I asked her, smiling that the fact she hates her like me. "Tell me about it." She replied, making me grin. We all turned to Mr. Rodriguez as he continue his rant. "Okay, class. Say hello to these wonderful young men. Lads, come on in." Mr. Rodriguez say.

We all faced the door and my eyes widened as I saw those five Gods. Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, and Zayn Malik walked inside our classroom, and all of the girls inside our room squealed excitedly. I made a look at Renee and her face was priceless. "Class, say hello to One Direction." Mr. Rodriguez smiled at all of us. "Oh my god, Hannah! It's them! It's really is them!" Renee squealed madly, once we all settled down on our table during lunch. I rolled my eyes. Renee and her friends, Jira, Dannah and Jash went with  Justine and I. Jira kept giggling at how Zayn cute is, and I felt a pang of jealousy once she discussed Zayn. So, I stood up, and started walking away, sulking. I heard someone yelling for me, behind me. Two voices rang to my ears. I turned my head and saw Justine, and Renee, running after me. I closed my eyes and I slipped down the hallway.

I shut my eyes, waiting for an impact, but it never came. Instead, I felt a weight under my back, and on my head. I slowly opened my eyes and my eyes widened as I saw those hazel brown orbs staring back on mine.

Zayn Malik was the one who caught me. My own superman. <3

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