Chapter 11 - Reunion

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Dedicated to smeverson1 thanks for supporting Unbridled sagas! 


It was their high school reunion, and it was held in the Grand Hotel in Naples. Everyone wore their best suits and gowns for this special occasion. 

Raven entered the ballroom, and all eyes were on her. They whispered at their arrival, as she was also with Era. She tucked in her short hair behind her ears when she saw Nio going towards them. Did she look good enough just wearing a simple cardigan and skinny jeans? Now Era felt conscious of herself. 

"Hey it's Raven Ventrem!" Jake announced loudly, breaking the ice. Nio just came in time to save the girls from more attention.

"I'm glad you made it," Nio whispered to them.

Everyone was there. Raven's old classmates, teachers, even enemies. The bullies who hurt her back in high school apologized to her. Raven saw Vivian at the far corner of the room, and went to her. She felt a twinge of guilt for accusing Vivian before with seducing William. Turns out, she was telling the truth that it was the other way around. They were only teenagers then, incapable of handling their own emotions, and now it was time to bury their hatches.


"Hi . . ." Raven replied awkwardly.

"You came!" Vivian commented.

She put the wine down on the table beside them, "Look I'm sorry for what happened before." she rambled. Half glad that she finally did it, half embarrassed with how she said it.

Vivian looked at her hopefully, "Raven wow! Thank you." her face flushed with happiness, "I never thought that you could still forgive me. Especially with what happened to Daniel." she looked weary, hugging Raven.

"I thought so too, but I guess I was just mad with myself. I was angry because I couldn't let him go. And I had to beg even for the slightest crumb of his love. I was naive and stupid." she hugged her closer, "And I'm sorry that I judged you."

Vivian started to cry as Raven patted her friend's back. In the end, forgiving was all that matters. To sum it up, it was a nice evening for all of them. Era danced with Nio the whole night, and old wounds were finally patched up. 

Raven stopped staring at her friends when she heard loud noises outside the ballroom. She looked at Era from across the room, as they silently headed towards the door, to check what was happening.

The whole hotel was in a catastrophe. Debris of glasses were scattered everywhere. Vampires were rampant, human beings were dead. The raw smell of death suffocated her. Raven's hands curled up into a fist. If I die right now, I wouldn't go down without a fight. At least I knew I didn't burden anyone. She thought of Gabriel, her heart ached a bit. Gabriel . . . wherever  you are, all this time, I finally know.

She walked towards the foyer, looking around for any signs of life. I think I like you Gabe. Realization finally dawning on her. 

"Are you ready to die ein anowae?" a vampire came out from the shadows, speaking in their vampiric language. It was a wonder to all of them that Raven never took a proper lesson in learning their language, and yet she understood her subjects clearly. Perhaps because she was born to become a leader, and it was her benefit. 

"Are you?" she raised her eyebrows, closing and opening her fists.

They sneered at her, "So you're a fighter huh?"

She held her chin up, and stood straighter, defiant and regal in how she handled herself, "I am." she said confidently. They were 10 vampires in the room, all beautiful and handsome, each with a unique beauty. But Raven knew better, it was only a deception to trick their enemies that they looked fragile. But really they weren't. Vampires were born to kill. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2016 ⏰

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