Chapter 04 - The Newcomer

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AN: thelife_neat for checking out the part 1! Yay I hope you reach the part 2, enjoy!


          Raven gasped in astonishment, gaping at him idiotically. This could not be real! Why? What was his part in her sister's death?

"Y-You knew my sister?" She trembled.

Rusvelt looked at her intently, "Yes, for nine months to be exact." He smiled charmingly.

Yes, he seemed familiar. Oh yes! She remembered now. He was in Genavieve's diary. But why was he here? Emotions rushed in, like a huge tidal wave she couldn't prevent to collide within her, a battle she knew she was doomed to fail.

"Why did she come to you?" Raven covered her mouth from sobbing.

He shrugged, "Circumstances I think you could probably guess..." He was talking about their identity.

Yes, Genavieve did mention that she didn't want them to be discovered, to be exposed to this world, but why?

Just when Rusvelt was about to take Raven for a dance, Gabriel clamped his hand on Rusvelt's shoulder, "May I have my Raven back?" Gabriel moodily directed it to Rusvelt.

Rusvelt's cold façade of nonchalant broke into a grin. "What's the matter, Prince? You look like you've seen a ghost?" He taunted him. Gabriel's face became unreadable, taut with raw emotions.

Eraine saw this, she tried to intervene by putting up a bravado, "Gentlemen, come now, it's King Reynard's party, let's give it a break," She looked at them both, "shall we?"

Raven looked at Eraine with a sigh of relief. On the other hand, Eraine, as usual looked gorgeous. "Eraine, how have you been? I've missed you." Raven hugged her.

She hugged back the Anowae, "I've missed you too." She ecstatically responded. They started chatting with each other. But not before Raven noticed the deathly glare that Gabriel sent towards Rusvelt's way. Hmm curious.

As the party resumed, Raven was genuinely concerned with Gabriel. Who was this Rusvelt Wayne who had evoked such emotions from a cool, collected guy like Gabriel? Oh well, Raven thought that her semester break would probably be very exciting now.


A little girl with golden locks was asking how old Raven was, and answered her. In return the girl claimed that she was 400 years old, when in fact, she just looked like an adorable ten-year-old girl. That's an indication that she was really an ancient one, long before Anowae Rowena's new rule was laid out, and that was if you reach the age of 19, that's the only time you'd be asked if you'd want to stay that look forever. After a catastrophe in their history of "the warring children", it was then banned.

"You are so young Queen Raven, have you found out about your gifts yet?" she smiled with her fangs perfectly waving to everyone.

"Not yet..."

She nodded like a mature child, wiping a stain of blood on her mouth, "That's alright, you'll find it soon enough."

Raven's mind was drifting off to somewhere else, she noticed that Gabriel and Rusvelt wasn't anywhere to be found. She grew apprehensive, so Raven excused herself and searched for them in the palace.

While walking, someone was having an argument behind the curtains, which led to the balcony. Raven hid herself behind it, and listened.

"Why have you come here, Rusvelt?" Gabriel asked rudely.

"King Reynard invited me; it would be impolite of me to ignore it. Don't you think so too?" Rusvelt replied calmly. As if he was trying to refrain from laughing at Gabriel's expression.

"You don't answer to anyone, except her!" Gabriel spat, leaving distaste in his tongue, as if the very thought of her made him vomit. "Stop playing mind games with me Rusvelt. Tell me why are you really here?" Gabriel seethed.

Rusvelt looked at him with amusement, "Relax, Prince. You will know about it too. Besides," he glanced at the curtain, making Raven jolt backwards. Screwed, I'm caught. Rsuvelt smiled, "we wouldn't want to ruin the surprise for the crown princess, do we?" he gestured towards her direction, the two men looked at her way. "and especially when she is behind the curtains, listening to our conversation." He said candidly. They turned around as they faced her. Gabriel's expression was suspended, directing their attentions to her.

Raven blushed. Darn, too bad. Her cover was blown, she had no choice but to show herself and face them. She went out, rubbing her hands against her elbows shyly, "I'm sorry for eavesdropping. I didn't mean to..." she cast her eyes downwards, "but when I heard someone having a sophistry, I just, well... it happened." She mumbled lamely.

Gabriel didn't seemed to care, he walked towards her, "It's okay my sweet..." he assured her.

Raven didn't say anything.

Gabriel held her hand protectively, as if the very existence of Rusvelt was a threat to her safety, when Rusvelt didn't look threatening, "Let's go." And just as they were about to leave, he blocked them.

"Why the sudden rush? Don't you want to tell her the good news?" He smiled mischievously.

She glanced at Gabriel, Raven was puzzled, "What are you guys talking about?" looking at the both to and fro.

Gabriel looked dangerously at Rusvelt. The young queen felt goosebumps in her arms. She has never seen Gabriel mad.

"I told you... It's a NO!" He gritted.

Rusvelt shrugged, "It's really isn't up to you, is it? It's Raven's prerogative whether she would accept it or not."

She glanced at the two men, "What offer?" Raven inquired.

A grin formed upon Rusvelt's lips, teasing Gabriel, and looked away. "Queen Raven, I want to offer you my service," He stopped and then continued, "Since you haven't yet molded your gifts, I want to help train you and help you discover your gifts." He shrugged confidently, looking at his natty nails, "Of course, I'm the best options, since I'm the most sought out vampire trainer."

Raven looked at Gabriel curiously. So that's it? That's what this is all about? What in the world is going on in here? Raven was genuinely flustered, "I-I don't know what to say, I guess I have to think about it first."

Rusvelt nodded. "As you wish your Highness, but I'll be anticipating for your arrival, because, you would come to me eventually." He said confidently, as if he knew something that Raven did not.

She couldn't understand why Gabriel acted like that. He wasn't that kind of person. It did not make any sense! Rusvelt was a queer one. And sooner or later she would find out why.


So what do you guys think what happened? 

Who is this new comer? and what secrets he has in store for Raven?

And why do you think Gabriel is so mad with Rusvelt? 

ah ah tune in for the next chapter! :)

vote, comment, and add! <3

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