Chapter 01 - A ghost from the past

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AN: I don't know who to dedicate my first chapter to. So I dedicate this to all of the Unbridled fans! This is the first taste. I hope you like it. 


THANK YOU SO MUCH Regular_Guy!!!


Raven heard police sirens overwhelming the dark, gloomy street. The crowd was getting thicker by the minute, making her suddenly feel dizzy. She felt so lightheaded, and everything around her became hazy. It annoyed her.

She went closer to the crime scene, the whole car was a total wreck. Raven could smell the intense aroma of the mortal's blood splattered everywhere. It was accompanied by a delicious and seducing fragrance, making the scene seem familiar to her. It was difficult to think who could possibly own it.

Raven felt curiosity and hunger overwhelm her, taking a cautious approach at the messy scene. She was revolted by it, but nevertheless, it didn't stop her from going on. She was startled at the sight of the bloody body when she opened the car's door. The man's head was totally mashed up into a pulp, beyond recognition.

Instinctively, Raven's beautiful gray eyes turned vicious gold, then her fangs came out. She had never felt that much hunger in her entire life. She craved for the dead man's blood. She wanted to tear the whole thing apart.

Raven knelt down, before she could ravish him, she noticed the familiar white jacket. She tried to think of where she saw it, but the more she pondered, the more her human brain protested. She felt dizzy, again, dismissing its significance for the mean time.

She turned the dead man's head, rooting for his neck but stopped midway when it finally dawned to her that the bloody figure might have been Daniel. She gasped when she realized that it was him.

Her cold stone heart felt as if it had been slashed through. "D-Daniel, I'm so sorry!" She cried, hugging him, ignoring the fact that she was hugging a delicious warm blooded dead man.

I'm so sorry, so awfully sorry, my love. Please forgive me. She cried. Someone touched her shoulders. The hands were cold and had a strong grip. Raven stopped hugging Daniel's dead body and looked up.

No. Her eyes widened from mortification. It can't be.

But it is. Raven was astonished, seeing a very intriguing and handsome man hovering over her. His hair was light brown, medium height and he had the most disturbingly deepest blue eyes she had ever seen.

"Hi," he said with his British accent.

Raven felt as if her heart had officially exploded. It can't be, It's impossible!

"Did you miss me?"

He looked so perfect, untouched by death. And yet, his perfection was frightening and at the same time overwhelming. He no longer looked like a human, he was something else. Something ethereal, something that was... Elusive.

Raven staggered. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be dead!" She panicked.

William shrugged. He slowly approached her, fully enjoying the moment. "Supposed to... look at what you are holding in your arms." He smirked.

Something told her not to, but unfortunately her curiosity got the best out of her. Raven was surprised when his warm body turned to ashes, blown by the wind. Raven screamed.

"W-What's happening? You're a demon! I know you are!" shaking her head vigorously in denial.

William -or Daniel- stared at her, mocking as he slowly made his way towards her. "You're going to die. Just like what you did to me!" He evilly sneered at her, his strong grip hurt Raven's neck. He was about to feed from her, before Raven screamed loudly.

And then...

*End Of Nightmare*

Raven woke up in the arms of her personal guardian angel; her ever loyal sweet, Gabriel. He wiped the gallons of sweat from her face and tried to soothe her.

"Another nightmare?" Gabriel inquired, patiently.

Raven meekly nodded. She has been having these nightmares for months.

Gabriel was worried. "He's gone now, je dame. He won't hurt you, not while I'm alive." Gabriel's jaw tightened into determination. No one will hurt you. I will do whatever it takes to protect you.

Raven shook her head. "I can still feel his presence, what if he is alive and well?"

Gabriel looked at her sympathetically. "I bet you're just tired, my lady. It's only normal. You had a past together and you're still mourning. Those feelings would eventually fade away," he said. He certainly hoped so, for her sake, and his. Gabriel opened his arms and indicated Raven to sleep in them. "Come, go back to sleep, my fair lady. I promise I would sit by your side...

... and forever be your guardian angel."

UK English Female


Yay! So finally I've updated, because it's been so long that I have! Sorry. Been busy. But anyway! Thank you if my readers from the first is still here, this is all for you. 

So what do you think what's up with William? and what's up with the nightmares? and what are your theories eh? let's hear them! :)

Oh oh and did you see that Gabriel was there soon by her side? Ah ah, why do you think so? Well, how could he access to her so soon? I'll expound it later. For now, enjoy.

Vote, comment, add! :)

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