Chapter 09 - A Covenant

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The next night Raven, Era and Rita went out for a girl's night out. The went shopping, ate at their favorite restaurant and watched at the cinema.

When they went home, Raven saw Fred standing in the foyer, "Fred where is Gabriel? I haven't seen him all day."

Fredrick frowned, "Well I haven't seen him for awhile. He didn't drop by."

She was taken a little back, "Oh. . ." there was a nagging feeling in her gut that wouldn't bug off, so she decided to go out and search for him. Unconsciously, Raven drove towards Gabriel's old mansion, the place where they first met personally. She didn't know why, it just felt like she needed to be there.

The gates of his mansion was ajar, seeing that makes her feel a little bit of goosebumps. Something was definitely wrong. She didn't want to see another seen of finding Gabriel all bloody from an attack, just like when she was in high school. This usually meant trouble. She parked in front of the house, step out of the car as she hurried into the mansion.

"Gabriel? Where are you?" Raven's eyes roved everywhere. She was right, the house was a mess again, as if there was a battle that happened. She panicked. She climbed the stairs towards Gabriel's master bedroom. He wasn't there.

Just where the hell are you Gabriel Maldur? She closed her eyes, letting her senses relax. She purposely didn't wore bracelet so she can sense him. By now, she knew that somehow when she wears it, she couldn't feel the presence of Gabriel. Sometimes she likes that, because whenever it wasn't with her, her feelings for Gabriel can get a little too overwhelming, all she wants to do was cover him with kisses and just be beside him, consume all of him into just being one. But on the ordinary days, that wasn't her. That was so wrong in so many ways. So in the end, she likes the latter, ignoring whatever confusing feelings she has for him.

The eeriness of the mansion made her felt nervous. Eventually her feet brought her to the rooftop, the same place where Gabriel and her use to hang out before. She pushed the door open, the bright light blurred her visions first, but after adjusting to it, that's when she saw that Gabriel was sprawled bloody on the floor as Marie drank from his hands.

That confused her even further. And just like a tidal wave, her pent up frustrations and undiscovered jealousy, a huge gust of force came out from Raven, blowing Marie off Gabriel. In spite of being covered with blood and cuts, Gabriel limped towards Raven as she rushed towards him like gravity.

"A-Are y-you alright?" Gabriel frantically searched for any wounds in Raven's body.

She on the other hand just looked at him with an expression of relief and teary eyes, he stopped when she held his hands, surprising him. "I am now." she smiled weakly.

"H-How did you know I was here?"

She shrugged, "I actually didn't. I just followed my instincts." she replied. Raven noticed there were bodies on the floor, vampires. Her gray eyes widened in sudden realization, "W-What h-happened Gabe?"

He put his hand through his hair from frustaration, walking to and fro. "I don't know why I let her drag me here. . . she told me she wanted me to meet some of the members from her covenant that agreed to come out from the neutrality, and help you. . . but---" he stared at the unconscious body of Marie.

Raven frowned, "Gabe, you're not making any sense. What covenant are you talking about?" she took a step back, "Don't tell me that it's not only fairies, elves, vampires, and werewolves that roams this earth. . . don't tell me that there are witches too?"

Gabriel looked at her with his piercing green eyes, those eyes that can make your insides turn into jelly. Plus, he was looking at her as her mate. Raven was fully captivated by him. "My queen, anything is possible in this world. It's only thanks to the witches and the efforts of King Reynard and the A'eruls that kept the balance between different species safe from each other. Believe in everything and nothing je dame."

Her throat went dry. Why was she feeling that way? She felt so compelled to just pull him into her arms and kiss him so badly. She tried to think straight. Raven resolved to ask this to Gabriel when all of this is settled, she'll be sure to ask him about this weird feelings. She smacked her lips and tried to find her voice again, "Okay then. So what happened? Why is she drinking your blood?"

"Zesha happened. She sent her minions here again. And Marie," Gabriel glanced at her, "Marie saved me, she used her powers to combat them too. A witch can't use most of her powers in just one day, they'd burn out. She passed out, so I let her drink from me."

Raven frowned, "So will she turn into a vampire now?"

Gabriel shook his head, "No je dame, she has to go through the ritual first. She has to die and then live, it's a long process of exchanging blood. In this case, it was just for healing purposes. I just gave her a small amount, and not to make her one of us."

"Why is Zesha so nefarious?"

Gabriel grew silent, "Sometimes my queen, a lot of people can do anything for the sake of power." suddenly there was a shadow beneath his green eyes. He was tired, so very tired.

After that, they brought Marie to an empty guest room. Gabriel then told Raven that he couldn't stay in her mansion for awhile. He has to let Marie heal there first, he owed it to her. And even though Raven understood, it still didn't lessen her dislike for the witch, literally. 


Hello guys! I know it's been awhile, please bear with me. But anyhow. . . what do you think of this new character Marie so far? 

Do  you like her? Hate her? Suspicious of her? :) Tune in for more!

Unbridled Trivia: Marie Pierre is actually the lady that Gabriel ask help from in the part 1, where she could make a trinket for Raven to control her emotions as being Gabriel's mate for him, and also to mask her scent from the yulkans and vampires alike.

Deception: Unbridled pt. 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon