Hell Hole

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"fang!!!!" My dad called. Every time he calls me that it means that he is drunk off his ass. I go down stairs in my black ripped jeans and BVB t-shirt with black combat boots on. "Fang!, why weren't you down here when I got here!?" I hate him so fucking much. " I was doing my homework dad ". I don't give a fuck what you do, you have to be here when I get here ". I hate it when he says that. " Well, father, I don't care! You beat me every day and ask me to do things like if nothing happened! " That was the worst response I could give him. " Come here you little slut! " He came towards me and punched me in the face. I fell to the floor clenching my stomach that's when I felt a sharp pain on my side. He just kicked me in my ribs and I think he broke my ribs. I fell to the ground and cried, then he kicked me on the back near my tail bone. He then picked me up by the hair and threw me against the wall. My head was bleeding and that's when he stopped. I went upstairs in my room and hoped that he won't come in my room..................  I hope tomorrow is a better day 

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