Chapter 7

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Alyss~ Yay finally i have another chapter out! I hope you guys like this chapter it starts off in Luke's P.O.V. (point of view) and then ends with Alyss's. Vote and Comment please!


Luke’s P.O.V

I had no clue what was happening  to be honest I had a huge fight with my parents after my grandma died and ran away here even though I was only seven teen. They called and freaked out on me saying they would take the house which the lawyer person already said wasn’t possible unless I sold it or rented it out, which I clearly wasn’t. So much had happened in such a short amount of time that now I was seriously wondering what I was doing anymore.

“When did you find out?” I asked already knowing it had to have been really recent if not right after it happened.

“Yesterday,” She managed to say around her sobs and I tightened my grip around her shoulders to hold her to me.

“Come on you can come in I’ll get you something.”

“No thanks I don’t want anything from you.” She said trying to push away from me but was unable to and then glared up at me as I pulled her into my grandma’s house.

“Look I’m sorry I’m new up here I know where nothing is I don’t know the roads I had two huge fights with my parents and I’m being stalked but not by you.” I said and looked at her. She was super pretty if her eyes weren’t red and puffy but even then she was super cute. Her blonde hair fell beautifully around her it was somewhere between brown and blonde but made her seem more perfect to me.

“Shut up and the police are looking for you too.” She stated flatly.

“Great I’m so dead meat with my parents now, look I don’t know what to say but I,” I stopped mid sentence and looked down at her and sighed. “I’ll make you hot chocolate okay?” Alyss looked up at me then with a somewhat happier expression and I herded her into the kitchen and started to boil milk from the fridge and got the hot chocolate mix ready. I made us both a cup of hot chocolate and put whipped cream in both of them and handed one mug to her.

She slowly took it and started to eat the whipped cream making me smile and laugh a bit. She kept her head down but looked up at me through her blonde eyelashes and blinked slowly before taking a sip. I wasn’t sure what to think of that I mean it was really seductive but I didn’t know what to think of it, she could be afraid of me even though I was telling the truth.

I felt stupid, more than stupid. How the hell had I hit someone and not even known about it? I sighed and took a sip of my own hot chocolate still standing in the middle of the kitchen with Alyss standing in front of me.

“It’s okay it isn’t your fault Jenna died if what you said is true.” She said really quietly and I realized that she probably did share anything like this with anyone.

“What was she to you?” I asked even though I knew I’d regret it.

“She was my best friend Luke she was the person I looked up to the most and I still do, the person I trusted with everything the only one who ever knew about-” She choked up then and tears slide down her face I wondered what she was about to say but didn’t bother asking, I set my mug down on the tanish-brown counters and took hers from her small hands and placed it next to mine. I pulled her into my arms again and rocked back onto my heels gently brushing her blonde hair.

“Please don’t tell anyone about this, I know it’s stupid to ask you that.” I said quietly trying not to break down too; the last week had been hell for me too.

“I won’t no one would believe me anyways they never listen to me, but get rid of the truck that’s how I found you idiot.” I laughed a bit.

“Okay I got it.” I let go of her and she sniffled a little.  “Come on,” I grabbed her hand gently and lead her to the bathroom on the first floor which was only down the hall. “Wash your face up a bit your make ups running.”

“I put makeup on today?” She said amused and looked at the mirror and then her reflection curiously. “Strange,” Was all she said before she closed the door on me. I laughed a bit more and walked back into the kitchen and sat down at on of the stools and drank a little more of my hot chocolate.

Alyss’s P.O.V

I stared at my reflection in the mirror still bewildered about the mascara running down my checks and wondering how it hadn’t gotten in my eyes yet. I sighed and splashed the cool water on my face before deciding a towel would work best. As soon as the black makeup was gone I went to leave the bathroom when something caught my eye. A razor was sitting on the back corner of the sinks counter, it was a funny place for it and I was going to leave it but I’d always been too curious. I picked it up and noticed red stains on it that could only come from blood.

I put the blade back down and walked out the door a new mission suddenly at hand, I had what I wanted but this new discovery and another one I had made only made me want to stay and question him longer. I walked into the kitchen and saw him drinking his mug of hot chocolate his brown hair a little lighter now that it had dried out a bit more. I instantly straighten standing taller not wanting him to think of me as a weak little girl that cried all the time.

Oh how Jenna would be proud of me right now knowing that I could get over someone’s death quite quickly compared to the years it took after my dad had died. Knowing that I would never try and take my life again and when Luke looked up at me his hazel eyes in a slight haze my new mission sparked something inside of. A new purpose, but something more than that, a new and sudden hope.

I was different than I had been before, I was stronger and suddenly a quote made so much sense and it was now reality to me.

What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.


Okay so there you have it hope you enjoyed it :)

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