Chapter 2

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Alyss~ Yay chapter 2!!! ik ik well so for those of u who r reading this it's mainly going to circle around Alyss and most of it is going to be funny, i think...

Anyway i was listening to Blood on the Dance Floor the whole time i wrote this part ^^ i love that band they are amazing and Dahvie Vanity is so hott!! Oh yeah I'll shut up now so you can get 2 reading the actual story ^^


Alyss’s P.O.V

It was way too early to be waking up and yet I was forced to wake up at this time in the morning when the stars and moon were still out and shining. I dragged myself out of bed and weakly found a pair of skinny jeans and a t-shirt to wear that day; I wasn’t going to over do it on a Wednesday. I got dressed and found my way into my bathroom pulling the hair tie out of my hair so that it fell out of its bun. I yawned and looked at myself in the mirror; I looked like a low end stripper with bed head today. I shook my head and splashed my face realizing I didn’t have any music playing. I ran out of the bathroom and turned on my stereo and Blood on the Dance Floor started to play.

Smiling I went back into the bathroom and check my phone which was charging still, it was five-fifty so I had a solid twenty minutes to still get ready. I brushed my hair and pulled the mass of dark brown hair back out of my face. I grabbed my blue eye liner and put it around my eyes then searched for my light sparkly blue and my dark blue eye shadow. I put the lighter blue on my eyelid and then but the dark blue eye shadow on the line of my eye lid.

I smiled again at my self as Happy Valentines Day started to play when I was finishing up my eye shadow on both of my eyes. Searching through my make up bag I found my dark blue mascara and applied that as well, now I was looking a bit more high end stripper. I smiled and walked over to my floor length mirror and smiled. I did a few poses before returning to my sink mirror to brush my hair again. I straightened it and parted my hair on the left side of my head like I always did before straightening my bangs.

When I was finally ready I grabbed my phone and iPod and turned my stereo off. I ran down the stairs and made my self two pieces of toast, one with strawberry jam and the other with Nutella. I grabbed a Capri son to go along with my already wonderful breakfast and that made it perfect and complete. I had about ten minutes before I had to be at the bus stop so I ran back up the stairs and woke my mom up.

We both made my lunch and got out of the house with a minute to spare making it to the bus stop three minutes before the bus actually got there. I pulled my bus pass out and climbed out of the car by the time the bus was almost at our stop. Jenna wasn’t here which was strange since she got on in the morning here so her dad or mom might not have been able to drive her this morning.

I climbed on the bus and found my other friend Hannah and sat next to her we talked about her boy friend the whole way to school and decided that Jenna was sick that day. We all texted her but she never replied which meant she either was asleep or too lazy to actually grab her phone and reply, or her phone had died or didn’t have any service. That was just Jenna though and we all loved her except when we had something important to tell her.

Of course school was normal and by the time I got home I was a little worried I had called her and texted her and she still wasn’t picking up so of course I was worried about her. I got home and let Annie out for a while and threw her, her tennis ball a couple of times before going back inside with her. I drank a glass of water and went over to the phone, I dialed Jenna’s home phone; no one answered. Strange, I thought, they always pick up when they see my number they must be out side. I tried again five minutes later and they didn’t pick up again I knew they wouldn’t be out unless Jenna was really sick and had to go to the hospital.

I remember when that happened to her once before I was super worried about her having the stomach flu for three days. It turned out she had food poisoning from McDonalds which made both of us stay away from there except for there cones. We always love having there soft served vanilla ice cream cones and have to have one every week. I giggled when I realized how much we had in common I mean when you have a best friend for six years you start to rub off on each other.

I dialed her moms cell and then her dads cell but they didn’t pick up so I called there home line again and again. Finally on the fifth try her mom picked up the phone.

“What do you want why are you continuously calling!?”

“Wow Nancy calm down its Alyss.”

“Oh god Alyss I’m so sorry.” Then she just burst into a fit of sobs. She was crying and I had no clue why I don’t remember doing anything wrong.

“Are you okay?” I asked her and she took her time replying.

“Oh I’ll never be okay again I’m so sorry Alyss I should’ve called you last night oh how could I have forgotten to tell you.”

“Tell me what?”

“Oh dear I’m so sorry I-” Her sobs took over the line again and I waited for a couple of minutes and then she talked again. “Oh Alyss how I wish I had told Jenna to go over to your house or I should’ve picked her up.”

“Nancy what happened to Jenna?” I asked as a lump formed in my stomach.

“She was in an accident; the police called it a hit and run they don’t know who it was though.” I didn’t want to ask if Jenna was okay, I mean I did and I didn’t want to know but I knew not to ask her mom. “Oh Alyss, Jenna, she died instantly.”

I dropped the phone my knees felt weak and I nearly fell down but I caught my self on the counter before I hit the ground. I let it sink in as I sank to my knees, Jenna, my best friend was gone; she was really gone. I felt tears run down my cheeks, my Jenna was gone forever. Hatred built up in my chest I’d find who did this, I’d find them and they would wish they never had laid eye’s on my friend.             


Okay so let me know how ya liked it and vote/comment please ^^

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