Chapter 1

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Alyss~ Okay so DeepxInxLove gave me this story idea a while ago when we were talking on the bus and she told me about a story she post on here called Final Words and if you feel like it go read it it's really good and only has 2 parts so far. ^^ I hope you guys/gals like it, so Vote and Comment ^^


Alyss’s P.O.V

The bus ride home was long but me and Jenna talked the whole way to her stop which was one before mine. My throat hurt and so did hers but that didn’t stop us from laughing and talking until she had to stand up. She smiled back at me as I handed her, her light blue back pack that she’d had for at least two years. I thought of asking her when she was going to get a new back pack but let it slide, she’d get a new one when that one broke. After all Jenna and I have been best friends since third grade and we know almost everything about each other so it wasn’t a surprise when she stuck her tongue out at me as she got ready to walk down the bus isle to get off.

“I’ll see you tomorrow Alyss-chan.” She said as she shoved her iPod down her shirt and into her bra.

“Yeah I’ll talk to you later and I’ll see you tomorrow prite.” She chuckled a little at the word I’d made up for online chatting between us. I mean it’s not like I could openly call her a prostitute on Facebook. “Be safe walking home Jenna.”

“Okay will do, and you be safe on your walk home too.” She smiled at me before walking toward the front of the bus.

“Don’t fall down the stairs!” I yelled after her and in return she flipped me the bird which made me laugh as I sank into the hard bus seat.

 It was less than three minutes to my stop and after I climb off the bus at the old school I headed across the street and then down my road. After walking less than a quarter mile I was in my house slipping my feet out of my shoes and walking to the couch. I sat down on the plush couch, turned the TV on and then began my Algebra home work. I was watching Big Time Rush it was the prank episode and it made me think of Jenna and how we wanted to pull harmless but hilarious pranks at our school. Or how we wanted to go to Wal-Mart at mid night and mess around until we got kicked out.

Smiling, I hurriedly finished my homework before another episode of BTR came on and turned of the TV then walked up the stairs to my room on the second floor. The light purple walls of my room were welcoming, and so was my twin sized bed with its dark purple comforter and sheets. I fell over onto the comfy bed and hugged my stuffed penguin sighing as I turned on my own little TV to see what CD I had in it. I laughed when the Millionaires CD Jenna had burned for me started to play.

I jumped up and danced around to Party Like A Millionaire and turned it up. I was so happy when I finally found my seat at my desk and started up my laptop. It wasn’t exactly new but it wasn’t old either. I liked it, I mean it worked fine and put up with my cursing and squealing all the time. Not to mention that the internet always worked on it which was another huge plus side to it. I went on Facebook to check up on some things though I wasn’t on for longer than ten minutes, I never really went on Facebook that long unless I was talking to someone and I currently wasn’t.

I sighed loudly and heard something scratching the door. Oh shit I had forgotten about letting my dog out! I jumped off of my chair logging out of Facebook and the internet before I opened the door to see my happy little dog Annie; she was the cutes mini Australian Shepherd I’d ever seen. She was a blue mural with two blue eyes and cute little ears with a solid black nose. I took her out side and waited at least ten minutes in the warm sun until she came running back to me wanting to go back into the house. Once inside I got a glass of water and went to go find my calico cat Juniper.

The rest of the night had been normal and I was in bed by nine-thirty and out cold by ten o’clock.       

Okay so let me know how ya like it so far i'll try to be quick with the next part 4 all of you people.  

Ps if you guys/gals can think of any Tags for this story let me know ^^

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