Chapter 6

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Alyss~ Hey guys i uploaded again! Well actually i already had this chapter done but i've been really busy lately so here it is! a new character gets introduced in this chapter so i hope you people like him!


Alyss’s P.O.V

I walked up to the door and rang the door bell waiting as patiently as I could but you can only wait for so long, and I waited for at least a good two minutes before hitting the button again. I still waited there and yes I rang the stupid doorbell again! Come on there were two cars some has to be home unless a friend came over to pick Mrs. Linaley up and they went some where with who ever owned the truck.

I rang the doorbell twice repeatedly and waited again before finally losing my temper and I kicked the door really hard. It was a good thing I was wearing my boots or else that would of hurt really bad. I stood there a while waiting impatiently for some one to come to the door on a Thursday night at like four pm when no one was doing anything at all.

Then I heard a funny noise like someone running and tripping down stairs then who ever they were made a lot of loud noises running around. It was like they were looking for something or somewhere to hide.

“I’m coming!” Yelled a voice that I didn’t recognize and it was clearly a teenage guy’s voice too. It was strange really I didn’t know Mrs. Linaley had family let alone grand children that where this old. She never talked about her family to me and rarely her friends too. So I stood there and waited for whoever it was to get there butt to the door.

All the while I was going over what I should do when he did get the door, out right hurt him or walk in the house with him and listen to his story. There was one other option knock him out tie him up and when he wakes up torture him until he tells me why he did it. I really wasn’t sure if this was a good idea or not but it didn’t matter now because the door knob started to turn.

The door flung open and I stood there gapping at the person who had opened the door. There he stood a guy my age with wet brown hair and hazel eyes, he looked tired, confused, and I guess a little upset. Funny he just killed my best friend a few days ago and he looked so normal it almost hurt.

“What who are you? Why are you here?” He said his voice was betraying how nervous he was and out of breathe as well. He better be nervous he must think I found out it was him who had killed poor innocent Jenna.

“I should be asking you that question or questions. So who are you and why are you in Mrs. Linaley’s house.” I said and glared at him before I stepped closer to the door. He quickly stepped back as I approached and let myself in.

“I asked first.” He said like a little in kindergarten would.

“Yeah well you’re in my employer’s house so answer the questions and trust me I have plenty more for you too.” I said and glared at him as he stared at me. I noticed that he was wearing lose black jeans and a grey V-neck and a small silver chain necklace.

“So she was my grandma and you’re the freaky chick who kept ringing the flipping door bell!” He did not just say that to me.

“Answer me now and you’ll be happy, answer me later and you’ll be sorry.” I said and walked closer to him.

“You’re a freak and its Luke by the way; now tell me your name.”

“No you didn’t answer my second question.”

“Uh yeah I did this is my grandma’s house now tell me your name and why your even here.”

“That still doesn’t explain why you’re here!”

“Yes it does! Can’t a guy just visit his grandma’s house or how ‘bout go to the house your deceased grandma gave you in her will!” He yelled and was breathing heavily, I suddenly felt really bad and then I realized another person I knew was now dead. My knees felt weak and my expression must have changed because he suddenly looked sorry. “Oh god, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean it.” He said and he stepped forward to put a hand on my shoulder.

I smacked it away and looked at him. “Why did you do it?” I asked him, Luke, yeah that was the name he told me.

“Do what? And you still haven’t told me your name yet.”

“Alyss and why did you kill her?” He looked at me like I was insane.

“I didn’t kill my grandma why would I?”

“Not her Jenna, why did you hit her?”

“What hit-” He let his voice trail away as if his memory was coming back. And then his expression changed from questioning to horror. “I didn’t hit anyone I hit mailbox.” He said hoping his words were the truth.

“No you hit Jenna you hit my best friend.” I said tears whelming up in my eyes and I tried to blink them away but they just wouldn’t. Some spilt over and ran down my cheeks, the look on his face made it all worse because no one could ever fake that look it was true he hadn’t known that he had hit her.

“I’m sorry.” He said and then he wrapped his arms around me. How could someone not know they hit a person?


OH me God!! so exciting! anyway tell me how you like it so far and if you like Luke or not also it'll be his P.O.V in the next chapter ^^

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