Chapter 5

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Alyss~ Hey I'm back!! Yes I know I haven't posted this story in awhile and I'm sorry bout that. I've been really busy with school and all but hey its up! And I think I'm going to have Avril Lavigne play Alyss!

Oh also Alyss appears in my story A Melody From The Heart, though AMFTH is on Varish and Sora but Alyss is an important character in it. Hope you check it out some time!

Song for this chapter is Nobody's Home obviously by Avril Lavigne ^^  


Alyss’s P.O.V

I jumped awake and climbed off the couch walking for the window. Looking out of it I noticed my mom wasn’t home yet or she had been home but had left for some reason, she did that occasionally. I shook my head and walked into the kitchen and began to grab some things then realized I needed a bag and a spray bottle. After grabbing everything I needed upstairs I ran back down into the kitchen and put pepper and water in the once empty spray bottle. It was a lame excuse for pepper spray but hey it would do just fine for now. I grabbed a fork since forks hurt and a knife from the dish washer and slipped them in the backpack then realized I didn’t need a bag since I could easily carry everything on me.

I slipped the pepper spray down my shirt and then looked into the mirror in the bathroom on the first floor. It looked normal not like I had a bottle in between my bra and chest, I smiled Jenna would laugh at me for putting a small spray bottle there. I shook my head and put the fork in my front left pocket then stared at the knife. It was really sharp and I didn’t know where to put it so I grabbed my boots slipped my feet in them and then carefully put the knife next to my leg.

I didn’t like it there but I didn’t know where else to put it so it would have to do there. I then left the house and started to walk down my driveway and up the road. I walked at my normal pace or at least I think I was though I’m not sure if I was walking faster than I normally do. I didn’t matter if it was my normal pace or not I’d walked past the neighbors I knew and the ones I was used to seeing every now and then.

Before I knew it I was walking up a step hill, I had to stop mid way to catch my breath and I was starting to get upset. I’d looked down every driveway looking for the truck but I just couldn’t find it and I wasn’t even at the end of the road yet!

A sudden thought hit me and I realized something I hadn’t before. Who ever was responsible could’ve been gone by now or was using this road to get some place else. That or they ditched the truck somewhere in the woods out here or drove it into the lake nearby. That would definitely be bad for the environment though the fish would have a good home until it rusted out and crumbled.

I sighed and started up the hill again looking down the two driveways that came up before the top of the hill. When I finally reached the top my legs were burning and so were my lungs and throat. Even worse was the split in the road leading to two different houses.

One was set on a hill over looking the forest, road, and town. It was a really nice view; me and Jenna had snuck up there once to see if we could find my dog which we did find her up there only for her to run away again. But that’s Annie for you she always does stuff to keep you in shape and laughing. Where did she run? Down to the other driveway off the split.

The second house was sitting in between two hills that looked as if they were cradling it like a baby. I’d always loved the house it was so pretty and two stories as well. Though the difference between this house and the rest was that it had rock walls, a balcony on the second story, and a circular room that was connected to the living room. Yes I had been in there once or twice since an older lady lived there and Jenna and I had always helped her out.

Sighing I walked up the hill and didn’t find what I was looking for but I did find a white Mercedes and a blue Subaru WRX. They definitely didn’t own the truck I was looking for but I knew Miss Linaley didn’t own a truck, though it was the best I had right now.

The up side to this was that I got to walk down two hills the down side was as I got closer I saw the red truck parked out in the driveway next to Miss Linaley’s little bug. I gulped and continued down the hill to find out the truth and then to get my revenge.   


Okay so how was this chapter? Not as sad a little creepy or just to informative? oh and please comment and vote!! like it on fb 2! i don't care if ur comment it something stupid like "Bob ate my socks" or just a smiley face. Just comment! 

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