She slipped back on her bright yellow heels and put her yellow hoops back on. She always wearing bright colors including that bright ass green lipstick she put on every fucking day. Trina clearly is the missing chick from the Omg Girlz.

"I do too much for you!! I was always there for you when you needed me! But you wanna go out and hoe around, while I'm at home waiting for you!!" She cried.

By the look on Darron's face he did not give a fuck.

"I loved you! And you just had to play me?!"

Darron walked up to her smiling and tried to smooth talk her into taking him back. He tried to grab her arms with that smirk on his face that made all the chicks weak-a true player.

"No don't touch me." She pushed him away.

"Baby, calm down. You know I love you. I'd do anything for you." He finally got her in his arms and spoke a lie after lie after lie and Trina ate that shit up.

"Really baby?" She said after he asked her out on Saturday.

"Yeah. I'll take you somewhere nice to show you how much I love you."

"Okay." She gave a weak smile after wiping her eyes.

Shaking my head

"C'mon bae lets go home." He wrapped his arms around her waist and walked her to her car.

He looked over his shoulder at me and stuck out his tongue as if he was saying he was gonna hit tonight.

Darron is such a slick bastard. But hey, I ain't mad at him. He getting more sex than me.

I laughed to myself as I headed back inside. Ah, little girls-they don't know no better. That's why I'm having so much fun now.


I pulled up to Rose's house, almost blowing the horn but remembered how she want me to be this 'gentleman' to her. We don't do that around here, but whatever makes this night go faster.

"Hey." She smiled when she opened the door. Looking fine as hell in her ripped purple jeans and white beater. Her natural hair tied up into a puff.

"Where's your shirt at?" I lifted a brow.

"Oh it's gets really hot in there." She tilted her head sideways and observed my outfit; a black hoodie and black jeans. "You're gonna sweat bullets."

"It might not get that intense for me tonight, I just want you to have fun."

She locked the door and began to walk down the path. "Sounds like loser talk to me. C'mon let's go."

I scoffed and caught up to her speed walking to my car. "You keep saying that and you're gonna be pretty hurt at the end."

"Mhmm whatever Dom."

She stopped.

"What's wrong now?" I opened my door.

She nodded her head in the direction or the passenger side.

I sighed. "Right away your majesty."

If she wanna hang with me she need to start opening her own shit.


I saw Rose peeking behind the wall. I jumped out the corner and scared her half to death.

"AHHHH!!" I jumped right in front of her and shot her with the laser.

She pouted. "No fair, you cheated."

"Don't be a sore loser." I smirked and ran off to find others.

After we finished the third game we all walked out to the lobby to see our scores.

"Wow Dominic, I guess you are as good as you say."

Of course, I got 1st place out of 20 people.

I nodded.

"It is hot as hell in here." I looked around while popping my hoodie, wondering if they had air conditioning.

She laughed. "Yeah I told you. Why don't you take it off and put it in one of those cubbies?" She pointed behind us.

"Aight." I started to take it off and I had a white tee underneath it.

Rose was eyeing me in a way I didn't know she was capable of. She looked at my arms and how good my chest looked through my fitted tee, all while biting her lip. I was sweaty too.

I smirked. "What?"

She shook her head like she was snapping out of a deep thought.

"Nothing. One more game?" She asked.



Dominic's RoseWhere stories live. Discover now