The Verdict

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"Noona congratulations for getting discharged at the hospital." Sehun's cheery voice welcomed me as I entered their dorm.

After a week of being confined in the hospital my parents finally agreed to let me get discharged. The doctor said I can go home the third day of my stay there as long as I take my medecine he prescribed but my parents insisted on prolonging my stay so that I can be monitored 24/7. It's irritating and boring but I can't do anything as they've stationed someone outside my door to prevent me from leaving.

"How are you Alisk noona?" Tao asked

"I'm fine." I answered and smiled at him. It was so nice to see them once again

"We missed you." Kai said and was about to hug me but was pulled by Kris who hugged me instead

"I missed you too guys" I said when Kris finally released me

"We prepared your favorite foods." D.O excitedly said

"I helped them cook" Chen butt in

"Me too noona" Tao seconded

"Let's go and continue our conversation at the dining room." Luhan invited and offered me his arm

Once we're on the dining room they let me taste first the foods they prepared.

"So how was it noona?" Kai asked

"I don't know if it'll be okay for me to say this as you've gone to the trouble in cooking for me but..."

"We want your honest opinion noona was it that bad?" Tao asked worry writen all over his face

"It tastes......amazing." I exclaimed and smiled at them

"Really?? May I?" Kris asked and tasted it too

"Whoa, it's really good. I didn't know you guys can cook this well."

"Thank you for the food." Lay said and began to eat too.

''Let's take a picture first." Tao interrupted and brought out his phone

"1, 2, 3.. Say cheese" ^_^

"I'm going to upload this on my IG later."

"Noona may I talk to you." Sehun came and joined me while I was at their dorm's veranda. We just finished eating and the guys volunteered to do the cleaning so I left them with it.

"Sure, what about?" I asked and gestured at him to join me at the seat

"I'm sorry noona, I haven't got the chance to apologize properly and I just i'm sorry." He said and bowed his bowed his head

''Sehun if this is about what happened last week then it's best if you forget about it. You've done nothing wrong. Is this the reason why you've been so quite a while ago?"

"Yeah I was ashamed to talk to you after not beng able to protect you against those bad guys and just watched them take you away."

''Aigoo Sehun the important thing is we're both safe now. Don't be too hard on yourself, it's a bad experience so it's better if we left it in the past where it belongs." I said and smiled at him

"Thank you noona." he said as his tears flow

"You're always welcome" I responded and gave him a hug


After we were done cleaning the dining room and washing the dishes I went to look for Alisk. i found her and Sehun talking at the veranda but I left them be as it looked like it was serious. Sehun had been quite since that incident happened and everytime I ask him if what's the matter he always says nothing and that everything's fine. Maybe talking to Alisk will help him regain his usual self, the playful and joyful maknae.

"How about Alisk?" Kris asked as I went to join them watch a movie

"She's with Sehun."

"I want to go and talk to noona too." Tao said and got up but I stopped him

"Later Tao, give them some time alone first."

"Okay." he said and sat down once again

"Today's the final trial of Alisk's kidnapper right?" Xiumin hyung inquired

"Yeah, Rellium Alisk's brother attended it. Their attorney said it was okay if Alisk won't go so we came here instead."

"And have you heard any news yet?" Luhan asked

"Nope, not yet.''

"I never thought Cherine would do such a thing, she was a sweet girl." Chen commented

"Me too, she was so nice and respectful. I never suspected that she had a bad personality." Baekhyun added

"I noticed that she feels something for you as she's extra sweet towards you but I never thought she'd go that far for you to notice him.'' Kris

"She confessed before while I was alone at our practice room but I told her that I only see her as a little sister. She said she understood then so I was shocked to know that she was behind Alisk's kidnapping."

"People like her really scares me." Chanyeol

"I feel you hyung, they're more scarier than ghosts and cockroaches" Tao added

I excused myself when my phone rang indicating that someone is calling. I went outside and answered the call.

"Hello Rellium."

"Joon Myeon the trial just ended.''

"And? Don't tell me they got acquitted" I prompted feeling nervous of the verdict.

"Acquitted? They wish. They received seven years imprisonment."

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