She Was Kidnapped!!!!

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"So congratulations everyone for your hardwork, you're web drama received a lot of love despite the dating issue of Suho. Thanks to Alisk too for a job well done in soothing the anger of some of your fans. Let's drink to that. Cheers." Manager Lee made a toast

"Cheers" all you can hear now are the clinks of our glasses and laughters

"I can't believe that two months already passed since your relationship was revealed. It was such a hard time but we got through it. Congratulations to our fans and to us for making it." Chen

"Alisk noona thank you for being strong for Suho hyung." Sehun

"I love him that's why."

"Aigoo I wonder why Suho hyung haven't got diabetes when you're this sweet." Baekhyun teased

"I have high tolerance for sweet things." I butt in

The member just looked at me with blank faces before they burst out laughing. I'm glad that they'll all back to their usual selves. I feel really bad about being the reason of them going through hardship for the past two months. I'm thankful for our fans too for being strong and for understanding me, for keeping on supporting us despite my dating issue. I know it had been hard for them but they managed to overcome it. I'm thankful for Alisk too for being their despite the hate messages she had been receiving.

"Oh we're out of alcohol already." Manager Cha commented

"Let me go buy some." Alisk volunteered

"I'll go with you noona" Sehun

"Okay" Alisk nodded and looked at me as if silently asking for my approval so I smiled at her


"Noona let's go buy bubble tea first please before we go back to the dorm" Sehun pleaded when we're done buying for the drinks

"But the 24hr bubble tea store is far from here, they might be waiting for this drinks" I said

"It's okay noona we'll be quick besides let them wait."

"Okay then, let's go."

"Noona are you still receiving those messages?" He asked on our way to their dorm

"What messages, i'm receiving a lot and I don't know what you're referring to?"

"Those threats that they kept on sending you."

"Ah those, it stopped. It might just have been a prank and the sender might have been tired sending it so they stopped."

"That's good to hear, I know what it feels like to receive such messages and I felt useless not knowing how to help you."

"Aigoo Sehun~ah don't think about it too much besides it's over now so there's no need to worry."

"You're right noona--" He said but stopped when a couple of bulky guys blocked our way. I pulled Sehun to the other side so that we can avoid them but they followed us. I began to feel nervous then.

"I'm sorry guys but if you're thinking of robbing us then you've chosen the wrong people, we don't have money." I told them and unsurely smiled

"Noona what are you doing, don't provoke them" Sehun whispered

"I'm just trying to distract them, who knows it might work" I whispered back my smile still plastered on my face

"What are you two whispering about?" One of them asked

"Nothing, we're just talking about how much money we have here right now. But it turns out that we have nothing left" I answered trying my best to act brave

"We don't need your money." He answered

"Then will you please let us pass now?" Sehun asked but instead of answering him the scariest of them signalled something to his companions. Two of them came and held Sehun while the other two held me. A van arrived and they put me inside. I tried my best to fight them but comparing my petite form to their bulky bodies my struggle was useless. I even screamed but it was no use. Once I was already inside the vehicle another person who was already there restrained me and made me smell something which made me lose consciousness. The last thing I heard was Sehun calling for my name and me hoping that he was not harmed/hurt.


"Sehun~ah where's Alisk why are you alone?" I heard Manager Lee asked, I was just coming from the comfort room

"Hyung call the police some people took Alisk noona." He said breathlessly while clutching his chest

"What do you mean by that?" I asked when Manager Lee left to make the call

"They kidnapped her hyung. I'm sorry I wasn't able to do anything to help her. They're so many and it happened so fast. Hyung I won't be able to forgive myself if something bad will happen to her."

"The police are on their way. Sehun try to relax, everything's going to be fine. We'll surely find her unharmed." Manager Lee told him while I just stared at them blankly.

"Tell me this is only a prank right? This is scripted as a part of the celebration right?" I askd but Sehun just kept on apologising, it finally sank in. Someone kidnapped my girl and whoever it is i'll make sure that they'll regret it.

"I already informed her family, they're flying here." I heard manager Cha say but my mind is focused on who could it be. Each of us were quite until the police officers arrived.

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