Their Relationship

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"Hello Chaewon unnie!"

"Alisk where are you?" She asked sounding worried

"I'm at my hotel room unnie besides it's too early for me to go out. Why is there something wrong?"

"Manager Lee sunbaenim asked me to call and ask if it's possible for you not to go out for today."

"It's okay, we're not yet required to go to work. I was just thinking of going out to explore the city but I can re-schedule that for another day."

"That's good to hear. Someone had taken a picture of you and Suho last night when you went to the set and uploaded it on the internet. Now everything is in chaos."

"Oh my gosh how about Joon Myeon oppa, how is he?" I asked

"He's fine, they're continuing with the filming right now. Since he can't call you at the moment himself he wanted me to tell you not to worry and just stay safe. Even the Manager sunbaenims and the other members are worried so just stay indoors for today. It's a good thing that there is a tight security at that place where you're staying."

"Unnie are you sure Joon Myeon oppa is alright? He was not scolded by their management right? They didn't fire him right?"

"He's fine Alisk---Oh they're on a break, i'll give him the phone."

"Okay unnie thank you."

"Oppa are you okay? They didn't scold you right? They didn't fire you, did they?"

"I'm fine Alisk. I was neither scolded nor fired. How about you are you okay?"

"I'm fine too oppa as long as you are." I answered, trying my best not to cry but I failed miserably

"Ah did you forget what I told you before."

"That I must not cry because you're not here to wipe my tears. But oppa I can't help it, i'm worried and sorry. You're in trouble because of me."

"Don't think that Alisk, just be strong for me, for us. We'll be conducting an interview later after we finish filming to clear the issue."

"Oppa if it's too much of a burden and if it will greatly affect you guys i'd be willing to break-------"

"Alisk don't ever finish that sentence. Just trust me, I have to go now. I love you." He said and ended the call.

You might think i'm an insensitive bitch for suggesting break-up as an option instead of fighting for him but you can't blame me, I love him so much and I don't want to see him suffer and be burdened by me. I don't want him to be bashed by his fans. This happened already when Baekhyun was reported to be dating, I was once their fan so I know the feeling but I didn't go to the extent of bashing him though a lot of our co-EXO-L's did. A lot of them turned their back on him instead of supporting him. I don't want Suho to undergo the same thing.

After I put down the phone I decided to search the internet for that news about us. There it is, an article with the caption "EXO-K LEADER WITH FILIPINA GF"...Last night I recieved an e-mail from a reliable source saying that a girl from Philippines went to visit Suho at the set where they are currently filming their web drama. The said girl went there and brought some snacks so my source thought that she was a delivery girl but to his surprise she was introduced as EXO Suho's girlfriend. Her name is Alisk Allithrine Ventralis, the heiress of the famous Galaxia Hotel and Restaurant. SM entertainment haven't released any statement yet but these photos already confirmed it all.....Below it were photos of me and Suho oppa sharing a snack, him wiping the corner of my lips, us smiling while looking at each other, etc. I closed the article and opened my FB account, I was shocked to see that I have received a lot of messages, notifications and friend requests. I opened the messages first and read randomly but most of the contents were heartbreaking. Some are to congratulate me but most of it were hate messages. I can't continue reading anymore so I just deactivated my account. I then opened my instagram and just like with my FB account my posts was full of comments, most of it were rude remarks. So this is how it feels to be bashed, I never know the day will come that even those people I don't know will hate me just because of the reason that I loved.


"Suho I want you to deny your relationship with her. I'm not asking you to end your relationship with her, I just want you to deny it or else it will be bad for your career." the president of S.M.E said

"But president I can't do that, besides there's no point in lying our photos itself said it all."

"Suho don't just think of yourself and think of your members too. You still have time before the interview so think about it carefully. You are a great leader and I hope that you'll make the right decision. I'll leave you guys now I have a meeting." he said and exited the room

"Everyone i'm sorry but i've already made up my mind, i'm not going to deny my relationship with Alisk. I know it's a selfish decision and i'd understand it if you'll hate me for it but not acknowledging her as my girlfriend is just like telling the world I don't love her or i'm not a man enough to fight for her. My decision might affect you as well and I want to apologize, i'm really sorry."

"Suho-ya we understand and we'll support you." Xiumin hyung

"He's right hyung i'm on your side'' Sehun added

"Me too" Tao

"We are one right, you've always been supporting and looking out for us since our trainee days and now it's our turn to do the same for you. We'll respect and support your decision hyung." D.O

"I'm with you hyung" Kai

"Suho hyung fighting!" Chanyeol

"We'll be by your side..fighting!!" Luhan

"Suho hyung no matter what happens we'll always be here." Chen

"I'm a cold guy and this words shouldn't come out from my mouth so listen carefully because i'm going to say it just this once okay. I'm proud of you, don't think that you're being selfish for this decision. You've worked hard and just like D.O said you've done a lot for us and now it's your turn to be happy." Kris

"Suho hyung, I agree with them. I'm with you in this." Lay

"Hyung you've been there and supported me all the way when I went through this too and now i'll do the same for you. Suho hyung just be strong." Baekhyun

"Thank you everyone for understanding and supporting me in this and i'm really sorry at the same time." I said and bowed at them

"Have you made your decision yet." Manager Lee asked when I went to see them

"Manager hyungs I decided to admit and confirm the issue. I'm sorry for the burden and trouble i'm causing you."

"Okay then, we respect your decision. Go and prepare for the interview." Manager Yi said

"Let's just hope that the president won't be too angry over this." Manager Kang remarked as he chuckled

I thanked and apologized as I bowed at them again before going out.

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