"Thank you all for coming." Batman addressed the members of the JLA. "This will be our final meeting before the initiation of the Young Justice members into partial membership of the League. We are here to discuss the final details of their initiation. Are there any questions before we begin?"

A silence enveloped the room. Members looked to each other as if daring each other to speak up.

"Indeed," Zatara spoke up. "We are all thinking it, so I shall be the one to voice it. Are we positive we are doing the right thing, hiring teenage operatives to do the League's work?"

Underneath his cowl, Batman's brow furrowed. "I know we were not unanimous with our decision, but we had a three-quarters majority. That was all we needed to kickstart the program. Are you suggesting we made a wrong decision?"

The Bat was a difficult vigilante to argue with, and the members knew it. Only those who knew his secret identity understood why. Quiet exchanges were made among a few of the members.

"I for one stand by my decision." Black Canary spoke up. "Covert made an excellent point: they need an opportunity to function as a team. Whenever I have my doubts, I remember that. I can't seem to forget it."

"And it is an excellent point." Wonder Woman said. "I myself do not have a protege, but I do not know if I would want to introduce him or her to the League in this way."

It was Superman who spoke next, much to people's surprise. The Kryptonian usually remained quiet during discussions. "Then what would you propose?"

The Amazon gave the alien an annoyed look. "I do not know. Perhaps I am simply worried. None of them are even of legal adulthood yet. Should we force these measures upon them?"

"No one is forcing anything." Batman interjected. "They all have a choice."

"No," Wonder Woman continued. "If they want to make careers out of their vigilantism, they will have to. Would we accept someone who has denied training? If that were the case, they would not be ready. The impact would be too great."

"The initiation is not a requirement." Oliver Queen had his feet on the table, leaning back. "Besides, they all want to do it."

"What about the future members?" Everyone was taking a side, Flash included. He was all for the initiative, but Wonder Woman had brought up a good point. "Say a teen, say, Rocket, was offered the chance to become a member of the YJI." Before he could be interrupted with members pointing out that Rocket was not being invited, he held up his hands. "Hypothetically," he gave glared to all the disapproving members. "If she refused, would we one day want her in the League. I'm not saying these things would happen with her specifically, but think about it."

"Hypothetically," Batman countered. "Would you want all vigilantes and heroes to have experience with them before joining the League? Her mentor, Icon, would not have to."

"No," Flash agreed. "But this is specifically for younger members, people we want to eventually join the League."

"I do not see this hypothetical situation coming into play." Martian Manhunter offered. "If a teen wanted access to the League and was asked, would they not want to join a team of their own age, which is technically part of the League already?"

Batman once again spoke up. "Let's not forget the legality of being a vigilante without League jurisdiction. We tolerate meta humans and others who help, but we eventually include them. We have yet to have someone turn us down."

Black Canary halted the conversation. "Is this about actually having a Young Justice Initiative or what to do if someone refused membership, which I personally can think of no reason to do?"

"These are just reasons." Hawkwoman said. "We have already had this discussion. YJI is a go."

"Indeed." Batman stated. "If anyone has a problem with that," He glanced at Wonder Woman. "I suggest thinking about the positive reasonings instead of negative.

"Can we return to our opening plan?"

Silence, except the sound of nodding heads.

"Thank you." The Bat resumed his hosting duties. "Luckily for us, we have been meaning to investigate Cadmus for quite some time. A simple reason to investigate should be all it takes to get Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad to leave the Hall. Covert can help by monitoring from inside Cadmus."


June 29th
The Watchtower

"Batman," Manhunter stopped Gotham's resident bat from leaving. "I would like to speak with you about your protege."

The Dark Knight had been expecting this. "Robin may only be thirteen, but he is ready."

"I am not talking about Robin." The martian clarified. "He has more experience than some members on the League. No, I wanted to talk about Covert."

"What about her?" Batman had not been expecting a conversation about his home-operating asset.

"Please do not lie to us about her." An accusation was thrown. "I know of her meta abilities."

"Covert has no meta abilities." The Bat confirmed in all honesty.

Manhunter's brow furrowed. "I sense no deceit in you, but perhaps that is because you believe it."

Batman remained expressionless, but inside, he was asking hundreds of questions. "I tested her myself. I couldn't find any anomalies."

"Then I do not understand. She displayed an obvious ability."

"What did she do?" The detective asked curiously.

Manhunter met his eyesight. "She resisted my telepathy, M'gann's as well."

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