Chapter 21- The Party of a Beginning

Start from the beginning

Most of the people were chatting, playing the Wii or in the pool. After all the food was eaten, Tasha suggested, “Hey, I think we should play a game!”

I nodded my head, “What game would you like to play?”

She whispered to me.

“Seriously, you want to play that?” I asked.

Tasha smiled, “YES!”

I stood up and shouted, “Okay guys, let’s play a game. Let’s form groups of five first.”

Everyone got up and started forming groups of five. Avery, Victoria, Diana and Andrea were in my team. WAIT WHAT?! What is Andrea doing here?! Okay, never mind, I’m safe. Andrea was standing at the back.

“Okay,” I explained. “The game is simple, each group will be given an almond nut. The first person would have the almond in between you teeth and you are to pass it to the person behind you. And the person, you are to do the same to the person behind. You can’t use your hands, only your mouth. If the almond drops, you have to start again. Loser has to do a forfeit.”

People started giggling. Oh God, tell me why am I even playing this game.

Avery was the first. I turned to Victoria, “Hey, I don’t want to pass the almond to anyone else. I’m expecting to pass to you okay. I don’t want to pass to Diana. It’s so weird. Make sure to take the almond from me carefully. I don’t want to lose.”

Victoria replied, “Okay, okay. I get it. I won’t drop it. I promise, I’ll be right behind you.”

The game began. Avery got the almond, slowly and carefully she turned and passes the almond to me. I got it carefully, making sure not to drop it. The thing about the almond is that it’s so tiny. If you grabbed it wrongly, you may end up kissing the person.

I turned expecting to see Victoria, but no, whom did I see? It was Diana. Diana was going to get the almond from me. I wanted to laugh to badly, but I told myself I couldn’t or the whole team is going to lose and as you know, forfeits are extreme in high school.

Trying hard not to laugh, Diana got the almond more quickly than I expected and when I passed Diana the almond, I heard Victoria laughing loudly. The moment the almond left my teeth, I burst out laughing. As Diana was passing Victoria the almond, I felt quite angry with Victoria because she promised she would be behind me. Stupid Victoria. I’m going to get her for this.

When it was Victoria’s turn to pass the almond to Andrea, I waited for the moment. When Andrea leaned to get the almond from Victoria, I gave Victoria one push and she fell forward. The almond dropped to the ground and yes, just as I’ve planned, Victoria and Andrea kissed.

OH MY GOD THEY KISSED! Holy shit, Andrea’s going to get me for this, but I couldn’t help but laugh. This was too funny.

Everyone started laughing. But because everyone finished before us and we didn’t have time for a do over, we lost the game. We had to do a forfeit. The winning group was Geraldine’s group and for that, Geraldine got to decide the forfeit. Geraldine is a senior, which means, she’s the same age as Andrea, 18.

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