"Dirty birdies"

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After the homecoming dance

**Kirstie POV**
Scott just dropped me off at home and let me tell you...Mitch was right. Can't believe Scott and I did that in his car! But it was amazing even though we were in a car. Ugh I have to text Mitch and tell him. I can only imagine what his reaction will be.

Kirstie and Mitch's texts

Kirstie: hey Mitchie
Mitch: hey queen! How was the dance? Did Scirstie behave themselves? Lol
Kirstie: well that's what I wanted to talk you about
Mitch: OMG! Y'all did it didn't you!?
Kirstie: well....
Mitch: Omg y'all did! Tell me everything now! Dirty birdies!
Kirstie: lol well first we were out in his car making out
Mitch: y'all were in his car!?
Kirstie: yes and he asked me if we could you know do it and I said yes and things just started to happen.
Mitch: omg! Y'all are each other's first! That's so cute! But in the back of Scott's car? Seriously? Lol
Kirstie: well where we gonna go Mitch! Lol we couldn't stay in the school or go to each other's houses! The car was the only option.
Mitch: Scirstie is some dirty birdies
Kirstie: lol well I'm tired I'm gonna go to sleep. Goodnight Mitchell!
Mitch: yeah after all that you need sleep
Kirstie: goodnight mr.sassy pants
Mitch: goodnight queen! See you on Monday

End of convo

**Mitch POV**
Omg Scott and Kirstie are getting serious now! And let me say it's so cute to see them together. They are the cutest couple ever! They are for sure gonna be high school sweethearts. My two bestfriend have had a lot of firsts together and tonight they just had another first together lol😉

**Scott POV**
I can't believe that happened tonight. After tonight I love her more. I know we are still pretty young but it seemed like the right time. I can see myself being with her forever no matter what comes our way in the future. I should text Mitch and tell him but Kirstie probably already told him. Oh speak of the devil...

Scott and Mitch's convo

Mitch: Scirstie just had another first together tonight!
Scott: I see Kirstie told you already
Mitch: yes! You two dirty birdies! Y'all are just so cute together let me just say that right now!
Scott: it was amazing! Like I know we are still young but I can see myself being with her forever
Mitch: OMG! High school sweethearts! I call this one again! Looks like that condom I put in your pocket before you left was put to use
Scott: wait, what?
Mitch: you did remember I put that in your pocket before you left Kirstie's right?
Scott: I completely forgot about
Mitch: uh oh...
Scott: shit...

Uh oh I left y'all with a cliffhanger! Oh well you'll just have to wait until later Monday or Tuesday to find out what happens next😉 ~Mary J💜🍓

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