Chapter 19: I Love You, Jolie

Start from the beginning

Then Brendan barked out of me.

“What the hell are you doing here? Who are you, to Jolie? Jolie is mind dammit! You need to mind your own business! This is probably all your fault!”

I hated the bastard, but it also stabbed my heart when he said that. I was starting to feel very responsible for whatever the hell was going on.

Jeremy seemed to go off on when he said that to me.

“You you sick little ass-wipe! If anyone is to blame, I have no doubt it's you!”

Jeremy was beside me now, Derek right behind the two of us. The bastard must have decided we were not a threat. He turned back toward the door, where Ian and Jolie were.

He stepped back, he was about the ram unto the door. It looked like a bathroom or closet, which meant the door would crush whoever was behind it. All three of us dove into him right before he reached the door. It caused all four of us to slam into a nearby table causing it to crash down on us.

All of us were cursing, struggling to get up. A foot came up and almost nailed me in the face. That pissed me off, so I decided the bastard needed to learn a lesson. I punched him in the face, busting his nose.

He hollered out, cursing some more.

I hollered back at him,

“You have to be the stupidest moron around! If you had kicked that door in, you would have crushed them! Are you trying to kill them?”

Brendan struggling to get free yelled back.

“That's bullshit! If they would just open the GD door, I wouldn't have too.”

Derek yells at Brendan now,

“Dude you are some sick bastard! If they aren't opening the GD doors for you, that means they don't want you here! F**king idiot!”

“F**k You!”

Derek is not one to take a f-you, without beating the shit out of whoever tried. So, I cleared out of the way, knowing it would get ugly. He might be an artsy guy but he could throw a killer punch.  Jeremy looked bemused for a second. He was probably remembering our high school days.

I try to door, and holler out it's Greyson. Ian just mumbled a hold on, I'll open up. Jeremy hollered out that there's a fight going on so be careful if you come out.

It seemed Jeremy wanted to join in with Derek, so there were a lot of grunts and pops here and there. The bathroom door finally opened just as another loud crash booms throughout the house. It causes the walls to shake a little.

Ian looked concerned.

“My buddies are dealing with Brendan right now.”

This seemed to help relax Ian, he looked like hell.

He frantically looks at me.

“Shit Greyson! I don't know what to do! I've been shaking her, trying to get her respond. It's like she is in shock, or something. She was fine and then this happened.”

I jump in, try doing the same thing. Ian and I both looking at each other, not sure what to do. She looks like a ghost. She is crying hysterically. Her eyes are dilated, you can tell she can't focus. She is shivering and freezing cold. Ian pushes me to take her and leaves out the door.

I just now notice, it is indeed a bathroom. I could hear Ian cursing at Brendan. Brendan seemed to become some wild animal. As soon as my hands are on her arms, she freaks out. She starts fighting against me, like her life depended on getting free. I hear her mumble about not letting it happen again.

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