23.Best Friend Rides

Start from the beginning

"Give it away," I said. Not much she will say but maybe I could count on what should I be happy about. So she can stop annoying me about why am I so "happy" about.

"Someone invited you on a date!" Allison let out. I turned to her slowly with an "are you kidding me" look. "What? It's the only thing I got." But I also wished what she said, so.

I laughed, "Nice try but no."

We were silent for a few seconds and Allison spoke again. "I know. And this time, it's better!" She can give it another shot. "Okay."

Allison cleared her throat. "Are you sure you want to hear it?" Ally asked, a worry look spread on her face. I nodded. "You're back with Stiles...?"

I sat there, my body feeling frozen. Gosh, I wish that was true. "Maybe."

Ally looked at me and I frozed still. What did I said? Did I just said maybe? No! I'm not back with him. Not even a bit. "Umm...what do you mean by maybe?" Ally asked.

I can't lie to her. But either can't I say that I was a bit mixed up and said that I say maybe by mistake. She wants us together. "Uhh...we are coming a bit closer. Not much. I went to his house yesterday..."

"Ooh, what happened?!" Allison asked with curiosity. I looked outside the window. "I don't know. Some feelings, I could say." I shrugged. But Allison took the bait that we are coming back together and very soon than she thought.

Maybe it isn't a bad idea. Think about it. If Allison thinks we are coming back together, she'll start doing stuff that'll actually help us get together and forgive each other. I mean, it's not bad. She'll be the that girl who helps out people get together.

Allison was smiling really big. But there's one question I have, why does she care so much? My happiness? The thing when it involves Stiles and my love? Why is she doing this?

I have to get those answers fast because there's definitely something going on that no one is telling me. And no one, no one should ever keep a secret from the Lydia Martin when it involves herself.


I was eating breakfast. And also, I'm thinking about what the hell am I supposed to do with Lydia's car. I need to fix this up. I need to go back with her. I need to be by her side.

The bag is definitely going to help me. It has to. Even her locket.

I got up from the table and went upstairs to pack up my stuff. I heard my phone ringing. Weird. I walked towards it and picked it up. Scott.

"Hey Scotty!" I said. Scott laughed. "Hey buddy! I'm back from Mexico!" My mouth opened of shock. "Lucky! You went to Mexico! Wow, and you didn't invited me!"

"I tried actually," he said. "But Derek said you are annoying as heck and no one will listen to you." Okay, what the heck did I just heard. I'm not annoying.

"Forget that. Listen, can you give me a ride to school?" I asked. "Yeah. Jeep broken down?"

"Okay don't bring my Jeep into this!" I shot back. Scott laughed, "Okay, see ya then!"

I continued to pack up my stuff and just when I was heading down, I heard a honk. That fast?

I went outside and found Scott observing Lydia's car. When he saw me, he smiled at me. "Where is she? Did you guys--"

"No! We didn't do that!" Scott had a big smile. "Damn, what happened then?" I shrugged. I went back inside. Lydia's bag. I grabbed it and came back outside.

"No kidding!" Scott said. "There was something going on!" I rolled my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me! Explain why you have her bag?"

"Aw, shut up!" I said. "You bought your mom's car?" Scott looked back at it. "Yep. It's not like you're going to wrap your arms around me if I was riding my motorcycle."

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