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Violet's POV

I woke up in Chris's arms I smiled and wiggled my way of his grip I walked downstairs and got a cup of coffee and sat outside the warm summer breeze flowing through my hair I smiled and took a drink of my coffee I heard the door open I turned to see Chris with a cup of coffee in his hands
"Morning Vi" He smiled
'Morning" I smiled he came over and kissed my lips
"You excited" He asked I nodded
"Of course I am" I chuckled
"Good but you still have to wait another week" He smiled I blushed he walked over and got his phone out
"Selfie" he said like a teenage girl chuckled and we took a picture
"there" He smiled I heard my phone go off I saw he posted it to Instagram I looked at him
"What I want everyone to know that your mine and nobody else's" he chuckled I blushed and looked down
"Hey" He lifted my chin his hands were on my cheeks
"Have I ever told you that your beautiful" He smiled
"Yes you have like a 100 times now" I chuckled he kissed my lips again
"Okay just making sure" he smiled and went into the house.

---Next week----

we were all on the bus and Ghost was making Pancakes for dinner Chris wanted Chicken wings but Ghost won the fight Chris sat there pouting I chuckled seeing them act 5
"Dinner's ready" Ghost yelled I got just a couple of Pancakes cause I didn't want to slob and not leave everyone else any
"Chris" Ghost yelled Chris got up and walked into the kitchen area and screamed like a little girl
"Chicken Wings" Me, Ryan and Ricky said at the same time we started laughing Chris and Ghost sat down and started eating
After dinner we sat down and started watching a horror movie marathon me and Chris got some cans of Soda and Monster while Ryan made popcorn we all sat down and started watching Halloween I popped open a can of Monster and started drinking it Chris wrapped his arm around me and brought me closer to him I snuggled into his chest and soon fell asleep.

Chris's POV

Violet fell asleep in my arms she seemed peaceful I picked her up bridal style and carried her back to the bunks I tucked her in and Kissed her head
"Night Vi" I smiled she then smiled in her sleep
"Love you Chris" She mumbled in her sleep I smiled even bigger I walked back to the living room area and continued watching the movie
"She fell asleep already" Ricky Asked
"It's only 11:45" He added
"She didn't sleep whatsoever last night she was to excited" I opened a can of Monster and took a drink.

Violet's POV

I woke up in my bunk I looked at my phone and it was 10:13am I got out of the bunk and started walking towards the front I saw we were stopped I got dressed and did my makeup and went outside I saw the guys having a barbecue Chris saw me and walked over
"There's my princess" He kissed my lips
"C'mon" He took me by the hand and we got in a car
"Where are we going?" I asked
"Starbucks duh" He laughed and we soon pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car and walked in and ordered our drinks and we got cake pops we sat down and starred eating our cake pops I starred thinking bout my dad and what he had done to me over the years tears filled my eyes Chris grabbed my hand
"Babe What's Wrong" He asked I looked up and I didn't have to say anywhere knew what I was thinking about
"He's gone now Vi you don't have to worry about him anymore" He rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb
"I know but it's not only him I'm worried about" I starred crying
"Who vioywho are you worried about" He asked so I told him about my ex boyfriend Kyle and how he was just like my dad
"Whohy didn't you tell me sooner" He seemed a little mad at me
"I didn't remember till now..... I'm sorry" everyone was staring at me Chris garbed my hand and got me out of there before I sobbed my heart out
We got to the venue and they had to go on Chris said I couldn't go back stage this time due to to much security and shit like that but I could go tomorrow I sat in bus till I heard a knock on the door I opened it to see Ash Costello
"Hey Chris told me to cheek up in you to see how your doing" she smiled
"A little better" I smiled
"I'm Ash by the way" she hugged me
"Chris has told me so much about you Violet" she added we walked into the bus and started talking
"Hey wanna go to the mall it's not far from here" she asked I smiled
"But what about Chris he'll be worried if he comes back and I'm not hear" I sighed she grabbed my hand
"Already got ya covered now C'mon" she dragged me out of the bus and we drove to the mall we walked into hot topic and got a few things as we were leaving Ash grabbed my hand
"C'mon" we ran up to a Dairy Queen and got a blizzard
After our Day out Ash took me back
"Hey here's my Number" she handed me a piece of paper I smiled
"I better let you go back to your little Lover boy" She chuckled I blushed and walked in the bus
"There's my princess" Chris kissed my lips
"So what you do today" he asked
"Just went some Shopping then we got Ice Cream" I smiled
"And You didn't bring us Any" Ricky whined I then Got the bag from behind my back
"Yay" Ghost cheered and grabbed the bag and started eating I started yawning
"You tired Baby" Chris asked I rubbed my eye and nodded he Picked my bridal style and took my to my bunk and laid me down
"Night Vi" He kissed my head
"Night Chris Love ya" I yawned
"Love you too" He smiled I soon fell asleep.

My Best Friend (A Chris Motionless FanFicDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora