Going Back...

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Violet's POV

It's been a few days and I was able to go home Chris hasn't left me side not even once I've been limping a little since what happened with Kyle...

----- a week ago-----

I woke up in a room that was like in my dream I realized I was tied to a chair I tried to get away
"It's no use Violet" Kyle walked up from behind me
"Kyle please let me go" I begged him he then slapped me
"Shut the FUCK up you ain't going anywhere" He spat at me I started crying
"Oh stop with the crying" He whined but I didn't listen
"Fine I'll give you something to cry about" He laughed I felt a snap in my legs I cried out in pain he laughed even harder as he walked out of the room
"I need you Chris" I cried
"Why was I so stupid I should've known it was Kyle damnit I'm so fucking stupid" I sighed

After a few hours of sitting there Kyle busted into the room with a syringe filled with God only knows he came over to and grabbed me by the neck
"Your little lover boy is looking for you he's just just outside the house" He Growled he then grabbed a knife from his back pocket and stabbed me in the stomach I spit up blood Kyle backed up a little smiling away I heard the door bust open I tried yelling but Kyle put his hand over my mouth he grabbed the needle my eye's widened
""Say Goodbye to little Chris" He stuck the needle in my throat everything started to fade away he walked out of the room and faced me towards a window that looked into another room Kyle hid behind the door Chris walked in then things went black till I felt someone pick me up I opened my eyes a tiny bit and saw Chris then things went completely black

-----Present Day-----

we all decided to go out to dinner we all packed in one car and left and as were driving down Snuff by Slipknot came on I started singing along to it

Chris's POV

When the song came on Violet started singing she put all of her emotion into the song she had a amazing voice
we pulled into the parking lot I helped Vi get out of the car we walked in and sat our table soon our waitress came over and got our orders Violet laid her head down on my shoulder
"You alright babe" I asked she looked up at me
"Yeah I'm fine" She smiled
"Just tired that's all" She added our drinks came out and soon enough our food did

After dinner we went home and on the way home Violet fell asleep I picked her bridal style and carried her into the bedroom I laid her down on the bed he kissed her forehead I then noticed that she had some blood on her shirt I lifted it up and saw her bandage needed to be changed so I changed it for her I hate seeing her in pain and what she went through I kissed her again and laid down next to her and fell asleep

I woke up in the morning I saw Violet still sound asleep I got out of bed and walked down to make her breakfast in bed she needs it
After I got her breakfast all set I placed it on a tray and took it upstairs I opened the door and Violet was gone I looked at saw the bathroom door closed I set the food down and walked over I went to go knock when I heard cries from the other side
"Violet is everything alright" I asked I got nothing I could still hear her crying I knocked on the door
"Violet" I said softly I tried opening the door but it was locked my eyes widened and my heart dropped
"Violet open the door babe " I tried the door knob again she just kept crying finally I got the door open and saw the cuts on her arms I rush over to her
"I'm sorry I'm sorry" She cried she looked down as tears ran down her face I lifted her chin
"Let's get you cleaned up" I smiled she nodded I helped her stand up and I started cleaning up her arms she looked away in shame
"It's alright Vi I know your hurting" I said while cleaning up the last cut
"But I promised I'd never do it again" she said in between cries
"I know you promised Violet but I understand baby" I kissed her head
"C'mon I made breakfast" I smiled I helped her back in bed and she started eating
"If you want to go back to sleep after you eat you can alright" I rubbed her back she nodded

After she was done I took her and started to walk back downstairs
"Chris" I turned around
"Yes babe"
"I Love you"
"I Love you too Violet" I smiled and took the plate down and washed it
I went back up and Violet was sound asleep I walked over and kissed her head
"I Love you Violet " I whispered in her ear.

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