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I woke up in Chris's arms again I looked up at him
"Morning babe" He smiled I blushed
We both got out of bed and got dressed and did our makeup I heard my phone ring I answered it
Who is this
Oh hey what's up
Wanna hang out later?
I don't know I'll probably hang out side stage tonight
Bummer well I'll catch you around
See ya
I hung up Chris walked over
"Who was that" He asked
"Patrick he wanted to know if I wanted to hang out with him later but I told him I was gonna watch you from side stage" I explained
"I see" He nodded we walked off the bus and walked over to the Dennys that was in front of the venue we walked in and Saw the guys sitting at a table me and Chris walked over and sat down next to them soon Ash came in
"Hey guys" she smiled everyone said hi she sat down and we all ordered and ate our food and walked back to the venue
"Well we still have about a hour and a half before the gates open what do we do now" Ghost asked we all shrugged our shoulders we decided just to walk around the venue it was outside so we thought why not get some air before the show me and Chris walked hand in hand I heard NE phone go off I looked I had a text from Ash
From Ash
Look at you 2 love birds ;)
I chuckled and Looked over at Ash she just smiled
We sat down at a bench and Ash and Chris started singing Angel Eyes I smiled then I saw Patrick setting up the stage for New Years Day he saw me he smiled and waved Balz came over and handed me a slushy it was a green color
"It's a Monster slushy" He smiled he also had one for everyone I starred drinking mine then someone cane over and said that the gates were opening in five so we started heading back to the bus's Me and Chris watched another episode of American Horror Story before him and the guys had to go on Ghost opened the door
"C'mon we go on in 10" Ghost then closed the door Chris got up and took my hand
"C'mon let's get going" He kissed my lips and we starred towards the stage
We got to the stage and soon enough they went on Ash stayed with me and we chatted for a few I went and got another Monster slushy cause those things are amazing I had also got Ash one I sat down next to her and handed one to her
"Thanks" she smiled and started drinking it the guys started playing City Lights I sat there just listening to Chris's voice it was amazing I must've dozed off listening to him cause Ash shook me
"Hello earth to Violet" she chuckled
"Huh what" I snapped out of it she chuckled
The guys were done and we were heading back to the bus Patrick was at the bus wait why was he? He turned and saw us he smiled
"Hey guys"
"Hey Patrick" I smiled
"Why were you at our bus" I added
"Just wanted to give you guys these" He handed us a bag with Chinese food in it
"Thanks" I chuckled Patrick said he had to get going and left we walked in and I starred eating besides Chris
"What's wrong babe" I asked he looked at me
"There's just something about him that I don't like" He sighed I just looked down then I got a weird feeling about Patrick he reminds me of someone but I don't know who but someone Chris then starred eating but he ate Chicken Wings that he had in the fridge
After we all ate and I was the only one who ate the Chinese food we starred watching The Adams Family I jumped up and ran into the bathroom and started throwing up God damnit fucking food poisoning
Chris knocked on the door
"Vi are you alright in there" He asked I couldn't answer him I was to busy puking
"Vi" He started pounding on the door
"Violet" He sounded worried he got the door opened
"Vi" He kneeled down and rubbed my back
After about 15 minutes of puking Chris picked me up and carried me and laid me down in my bunk
"Why don't you get some sleep babe" He smiled I nodded
"Good night love you Violet" He kissed my head I soon fell asleep

Chris's POV
After Violet fell asleep I was pissed I knew that Patrick guy had something to do with giving Vi food poisoning I grabbed her phone and called him

Hey Violet

It's not Violet it's Chris

Oh hi

What the fuck did you give Violet she got fucking food poisoning

I'm sorry I'll call the restaurant


Ok then so what do you want then

I knew you were the one who

Do you have proof that I did

Well no but

Then you can't prove that I did or not goodbye

That little prick hung up on me I looked over at Violet she was tossing and turning like crazy she must've been having another nightmare.

My Best Friend (A Chris Motionless FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now