Just get away

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Violet's POV
I woke up the next morning we were still in the road I asked the driver he said we'd be on the road for a few more hours
everyone was still asleep so I just grabbed my laptop and went on YouTube for a bit then I remembered I had some hair dye that I had bought a few days ago it was a deep green blue color so I put the dye in and waited
After I had dyed my hair nobody was up still I decided to make everyone breakfast I starred making up some pancake mix and got some bacon and sausage out and starred cooking
After about 10 minutes went by the guys finally got out of bed they walked over to the kitchen and looked at me
"What" I chuckled
"Your hair" Blaz smiled I looked down
"You guys like it?" I asked they all shook their heads I then saw that Chris wasn't standing there
"Where's Chris" I asked while flipping a pancake
"He'll be in soon" Ghost said he then sat down at the table I git a plate and put the pancakes bacon and sausage on it and carried it over to the table I got extra plates and carried them over as well I sat down and we all starred eating then Chris came in
"Mornin-" He stopped and looked at me
"Your hair" He smiled
"Yeah I know" I chuckled he sat down next to me and kissed my lips
"I Love it" He smiled I blushed

After breakfast we had to stop and get gas in the bus I walked in the little store to get a few things I walked in and got a cart and started getting some things I got more Monster's, soda, Cookies, chips and a few more things as I was walking down grabbing some Cereal I saw Patrick standing there I tried to get away but he caught up to me
"Violet I'm sorry about yesterday, he tried to apologize but I didn't listen
"Don't even bother" I said while getting a few more things I started walking to the checkout
"Please Violet" He grabbed my arm
"Get off of me" I yelled everyone looked at us the store manager walked over
"Is this man bothering you miss?" He asked
"Yeah he is" I glanced over at Patrick just then Chris walked in and came over
"Sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave" the manager politely asked Patrick gave me and Chris the death stare and walked away
"Babe are you okay" Chris asked
"I'm fine can we just leave" I asked while tears were forming in my eyes
We quickly paid for the groceries and got back in the bus I started putting everything away Chris came over and was helping
"Are you sure your alright" He asked I nodded
"Yeah" I smiled
We finished putting stuff away and started watching a Tim Burton marathon and soon enough we were at the venue we walked out and started walking around since the gates didn't open for a few more hours we sat down and had lunch and soon enough Ash came running over and had lunch with us as well
After we ate Chris got up and walked back to the stand while me an Ash sat there she brought some nail Polish she did my nail black with a deep dark red tips that looked like blood soon enough Chris came over and handed me a sundae
"Wow" my mouth dropped it had chocolate ice cream brownie pieces caramel drizzle crushed pretzel pieces and whipped cream
"Though you'd like it" Chris chuckled I started eating it and oh my God was it good just then we had to get back to the bus as the gates were opening in five minutes
I sat down and continued eating my ice cream Chris sat down next to me and opened his mouth wanting a bite
"OK ok" I chuckled I fed him a bite
"Thank you" He said with a mouth full of ice cream
"Aren't you suppose to be getting ready?" I questioned
"Shit" He jumped up and ran in the back to get ready I laughed when he tripped and crawled to the back
Soon he came out and grabbed my hand we headed out the door and walked backstage we sat down waiting Just then Ash saw us and asked Chris to perform Angel Eyes he said he would and went out I got my phone out and recorded it I then posted some of it on Instagram
Love these two ♡
I posted it and Continued watching them
The guys cane running over they were panting and trying to catch their breath
"You guys are a little late don't you think" I laughed seeing that they had to go on in two minutes

The guys ran out they they starred performing America I sat there in amazement
Soon enough they were done and we were on the road again I was laying in Chris's arms in his bunk we only had about two more weeks till tour was over I was happy but not at the same time yeah I'll get to spend more time with Chris but I'll miss being on the road seeing them perform I started falling asleep Chris held me tighter
"Night my dark princess" He whispered
"Nigh my evil king" I whispered back we both fell asleep.

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