Don't Listen To Them

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Violet's POV

It's been a few days and Doctors said I could go home on the drive me and Chris stopped at Starbucks and got a coffee and a cookie everyone was staring at my bandaged up wrist I kept my head down Chris lifted my chin

"Don't let them get you" He smiled I nodded
"And Don't let this get you either" He handed me my phone with the comments on the pictures I nodded
"Okay I won't" I smiled
"If it ever does just come to me alright" He smiled
"Alright" I smiled we then went home
We walked in the door and there was a cake on the table the guys then came running over and hugged me
"Glad your Okay" Ryan smiled Chris stepped in between us
"Hey hands off my woman" He acted all serious I started giggling Chris took my hand and we walked over and got some cake we sat down and watched some TV
After we ate we decided to all go for a walk we walked through the woods Chris had his hand in mine so we wouldn't lose each other as we were walking we came across a lake
"Wow" I was amazed by its beauty we continued walking
"Your really pretty by the way" Chris said while making a face I looked down and blushed that's when I heard
"Well look who it is" I turned to see Kacy
"I heard you tried to kill yourself guess you didn't do a very good job by the looks of it" she grinned I just looked down as tears filled my eyes
"Awww wittle baby gonna cry" she mocked I saw in the corner of my eyes Chris was pissed that's when I snapped I bolted towards Kacy and starred beating the Shit of this girl
"I've...had....enough... of your.... fucking... bullshit" I screamed in between punches I felt someone grab me
"Let me go I'm not done with this bitch" I screamed while trying to bet away they turned me around and it was Chris he had a smile on his face we both looked over to see Kacy running away like the bitch she is
"Where did that come from" He asked still smiling away
"I don't know" I really didn't know we started walking through the woods till we caught up to the guys Chris and the guys ran through the fields chasing each other I laughed seeing them act this way I've always thought they were total bad asses I saw a tree and walked over and sat down underneath it and watched the guys run around some more I leaned up against the tree watching the sun set and fell asleep.

Chris's POV

me and the guys were running around when I realized Violet was nowhere I started to panic till Ricky tapped my shoulder and pointed towards the tree as I saw Violet I walked over and she was sound asleep I shook my head and laughed I picked her up bridal style and walked all the way back to house with Violet in my arms I took her upstairs and laid her in bed I chuckled when sh let out a little snore god I missed those I crawled in bed and brought her close to me and fell asleep.
I woke up the next morning Violet was gone I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to see Violet sitting in the backyard I sighed in relief and walked out
"Morning" She smiled
"Morning" I smiled back
"You gave me quite the scare this morning" I added
"I'm sorry" She frowned I lifted her chin
"It's fine Vi" I kissed her lips she blushed
"C'mon I made breakfast" She took my hand and we went inside I saw French Toast, Eggs and Bacon I didn't even see this when I was looking for Violet she handed me a plate and she got herself one and we started eating
After we ate we got dressed and did our makeup I looked over at Violet
"Creppy" I asked raising my drawn on eyebrow
"Very" she chuckled.

Hey guys sorry this is short again I'll try to make the next chapter longer 😊

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