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It's been a few weeks and Chris was coming back home we talked everyday he posted a picture of us every week and the comments kept coming I couldn't take it anymore I didn't want to do this all his fans hated me I ran into the bathroom and locked it I took out my blades and cut deeper this time I felt numb I sat there my eyes got heavy
"I'm sorry Chris" I whispered tears filled my eyes I grabbed a bottle of sleeping pills and took some then things went black

Chris's POV

I was driving home when I had a weird feeling in my stomach I shook it off I looked at my phone to see the picture I smiled and continued driving I stopped at Starbucks and got me and Vi a coffee and started on the road again I decided to call Violet to let her know I was almost home I picked up my phone and dialled her number it kept ringing and ringing she wasn't answering I started to worry I started driving faster till I got home
I got at the house and ran in
"Violet" I yelled but no answer I ran through the house yelling her name I ran upstairs and ran into the bedroom she wasn't there I ran to the bathroom door and it was locked my heart dropped was she? No she couldn't be?
"Violet" I started pounding on the door nothing I then busted the door down and there she was I ran over to her kneeling down I saw the bottle I looked at Violet her eyes were shutting
"Violet how many did you take" I asked
"w-whole" she tried saying but soon passed out I cupped my hands around her cheeks
"Violet stay with me okay your going to bed just fine" I cried I picked her up bridal style and took her to the hospital

As I was driving I looked over she was pale her breathing became slower and slower I took her hand into mine She was cold
"Fuck" I mumbled I made it there I carried her in and they took her right away I stayed in the lobby sobbing
"Just like last time huh?" I sighed I decided to call the guys I called the group

"Hey dude" Blaz answered then Ghost then Ryan and Ricky
"Hey" my voice cracked from crying
"Is everything alright?" Ghost asked I sighed
"No Violet's in the hos" I was cut off
"We'll be there soon" they all hung up I started cry again I looked at my phone
"What's wrong baby why did you do it?" I then saw the comments people were making on the photos of us I sighed how could I be so stupid
After about five minutes they guys came in they asked me what happened so I showed them the comments everyone made about her just then the doctor came out and said we could go see her we walked in and I sat next to her holding her cold hand I brushed her hair behind her ear
"Don't listen to them baby girl" I kissed her head she was cold
"Wake up Vi I need you" I cried I felt her hand squeeze mine I looked over she was smiling
"I'm bot going anywhere Chris" I smiled knowing she was awake

I'm sorry this chapter was shirt and shity I'm getting ready to leave I'm actually getting to see my grandma today after 7 months so I'll talk to you guys later 😊✌

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