Wiping her eyes as she opens the bathroom door and walks down the hallway to her bedroom. She turns the knob and strides in, shivering in the warm air. As she goes to turn on the switch to her lamp, a dark shadow sitting in the chair in the far corner startles her, causing her heart to stop and a sound of surprise to escape her mouth.

The shadow stands and with trembling fingers, she pulls the string on the lamp quickly, taking a step back as she does so. Her heart thumps to a slow stop when she registers Michael.

Scowling she tightens the towel around her chest, annoyed at feeling so scared. "Came to get your shit huh? I would ask how you got in but I already know. I want my key back." She demands tightly, flicking a wayward curl out of her face.

Michael's hands were deep in his brown slacks and his head was tilted slightly. He seems to be calmer than a couple hours from before, but she sees in his eyes how angry he still was. His clenched jawline was a tell too. He gives her a slow blink of his eyes and she huffs, impatiently waiting for him to speak.

"We're not breaking up." His voice was deeper than normal and he ignores her demand all together.

Kamani inhales, narrowing her eyes but then forces a blank expression on her face. She knows if she responds with an attitude he would get one back and then they'd start the arguing. She was too upset and hurt from earlier to deal with it right now, especially since she's trying to convince herself this is the right path for her to take.

Instead she looks at him coldly, an expert thanks to all her acting classes. "What can I help you with? They're some cardboard boxes out back."

Michael shakes his head. "I don't want any cardboard. We need to talk."

She lifts her brows, waiting for him to speak.

He pauses and when she doesn't respond Michael sighs a little, shifting. "What can I do to make you see that what happened today was nowhere near welcomed?"

Feeling her skin starting to dry in the air, she squirms a little. She doesn't bother replying and that irritates him.

"Well?" He doesn't exactly snap at her but she can tell he barely manages not to do so.

She pretends to think about it. "You can get your things and leave." She says after a second of fake contemplation.

That pisses him off—Michael's characteristic dark eyes flash at her. She shrugs. Michael goes to say something but then he closes his mouth, looking her up and down. She flushes as he looks at the exposed skin of her legs and bare shoulders, short towel reaching a few inches below her bottom. She crosses her arms more tightly over her chest.

"Stop it," She hisses uncomfortable. "Stop looking at me like that."

Michael's meets her eyes and he laughs. However mean it may have sound, he has a wonderful laugh. "I can look at you however I want. You're mine remember?"

Her face scrunches up and she draws back. "Boy, goodbye."

He laughs again like what she says is funny and she's confused to see that this time it was a genuine laugh. She's stuck still as he removes his hands from his pockets and closes the space between them. Before she can even blink he's kissing her, lips on hers. Kamani's mouth drops open in shock and he takes advantage of that, tongue reaching out and entangling with hers.

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