Down Hill From Here

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Anna's POV

I stormed up the stairs after Rylie. I heard her door slam and I tried to open the wooden door. She locked it and the door wouldn't budge. I heard her keys crash on the floor then I only heard footsteps and her closet door opening.

I kept jiggling the door handle but nothing would work. Her parents rushed up the stairs and ask me what was going on.

"What happened to Rylie?" Her mom asked me.

"I don't know, we were at the talent show and she left the school angrily. I know as much as you do." I said and waved my hands around in frustration.

"Rylie, open this door right now." Her dad said and knocked on the door. She didn't answer and I didn't expect her to.

I pushed her dad away and rammed my shoulder into the door. It budged a little but not much. I tried two more times but nothing was working. "Back up." I said and walked down to the end of the hall.

"Anna, what are you doing?" her mother asked me.

"Just stay back." I said and started sprinting towards the white door. "Coming though!" I yelled and my entire right side slammed into the door and it was ripped off its hinges and I fell to the floor with it.

I looked up from the hard wood floor and saw Rylie standing near her closet with what looks to be a belt wrapped around her neck.

"Rylie!" I yelled and hurried up off the floor. "Stop it!" I said and grabbed her arms.

"Anna what's going on?" Rylie's dad asked her as he walked into his daughter's room.

"No Anna, leave me here to die!" She wailed and tried to pull the belt around her neck tighter.

I grabbed the hand that was pulling the belt and pried her fingers away from it. "Drop it Rylie. Give it to me." I said and pinned her down on the floor. She kicked and tried to grab the belt.

I was able to get a hold of it and took it off from around her neck. I threw the belt out the door, almost knocking her mom in the head.

"Anna, what's going on with her?" her mother questioned.

"Your daughter just tried to commit suicide, that's what's going on with her!" I blew up in her mom's face.

"Oh dear." Her mom said and clenched onto her husband.

"Just go down stairs and let me talk to Rylie." I said and helped my friend up.

Her parents left and I brought Rylie up onto the bed. She lay limp and emotionless. Her eyes were cold and her normally friendly smile was erased from her face.

"What had gotten into you?" I asked helping her up and gripping her shoulders.

No words came out of her mouth. She looked me in the eyes and stared. "Why would you want to kill yourself?" I commanded as a tear swelled in my eye.

Again, no words left her mouth, just a blank stare and an ashamed face.

"Was it because of Josh?" I asked.

She looked at the bed. I grabbed her face with my hands and turned it back up to look at me in the eyes. "Answer me goddamnit. Was it because of Josh?"

Rylie opened her mouth and words finally came out. "H-How did you know?" she stuttered through the crying.

"I followed you and I couldn't hear what Josh was saying but I could tell that whatever he said hurt you." I paused. "It hurt you badly. Now tell me what he said." I urged.

Walking Alone (1D Fan Fiction AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें