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Liam’s POV

Our Christmas break was so fun. Anna and Harry had already celebrated their one year anniversary and we all got together at my house for a Christmas Eve diner. My mom always liked to cook for a lot of people and she asked me if my friends want to come over. We all ate a giant honey ham that was delicious, with mashed potatoes, carrots which Louis went crazy over, corn, and a yummy apple pie.

The only thing I didn’t like was having to wash all the dishes but because my mother spent all day preparing the feast, I thought the least I could do was wash the dishes. Luckily everyone helped so it didn’t take long.

New Years was a blast. We all got together at Abby’s house, mainly because she has the biggest house out of the nine of us, and we partied like there was no tomorrow. I swear if the neighbors weren’t so nice, they would have called the cops because of the excessive noise, but it was fun. So the relationships of 2013, as of right now, are Zayn and Shania and Harry and Anna. They make cute couples; I hope that I will find someone like that someday; I’m starting to get lonely. But anyway, the guys and I have to practice our song for the talent show that is in like a month.

Rylie’s birthday is in three days, January 9th, this Wednesday and we still haven’t planned anything for her. I have no idea what she wants to do or what she wants for her birthday. It will probably be a surprise party since she hasn’t really talked about it.

I am just heading over to the Rec Hall to practice for the talent show with the guys. We just finished the song and I really like it too. We all like it actually, hence why we wrote the damn thing. I can’t wait until the girls hear it. Zayn and Harry wrote their parts about their girlfriends but Louis, Niall and I just kind of wrote ours about girls in general. Anyway it’s a good song no matter who it is about.

I pulled into the parking lot and saw that Zayn and Harry were already here. Niall must have gotten a ride from one of them because he didn’t call me to pick him up and I think I saw Louis car in the corner of the lot somewhere.

I stepped outside and I was a little warmer than I expected for January in Florida but, who cares, it’s Florida! As I was walking in, I started to warm up my vocal chords, and yes I say vocal chords not voice because it sounds weird to me.

One way, or another I’m gonna find yeah

I’m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha

When I opened the door to the building, a cold blast of air hit me in the face. They seem to always keep this place cool. I said hi to the desk manager on the way in and showed him my members card and head on my way down the hall towards to two metal doors.


“Hey, Li, vas happenin’?” Zayn said to me when I walked in. that was his catchphrase, no one really know why either.

“Nothing much, you?” I answered.

“Nothing. So you ready to sing this new song. I think everyone is going to love it.” Zayn said wrapping his arm around the back of my neck, leading me over to where the others were.

I sat down in the metal chair that was placed for me next to Niall and we all looked at Niall indicating that we were ready for him to start playing. He strummed the guitar and Zayn waited for his cue to come in.

Your hand fits in mine

Like it’s made just for me

But bear this in mind

It was meant to be

And I’m joining up the dots with the freckles on you cheeks

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